Nigel Roberts

Freelance Writer

Preston's Summary

Nigel Roberts is a freelance writer who focuses on national news in the United States. His work has been featured in various publications, including BET, BK Reader, and the Detroit Association of Educational Office Employees Building Corporate. Nigel covers a range of topics, including social justice issues, politics, and criminal justice reform.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Evolving Stories: 27 %
Breaking News: 20 %
Government Announcement: 18 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 15 %
Cites Data: 7 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Race relations
  • Police brutality
  • Criminal justice system
  • Political commentary
  • Social media reactions

Pitching Insights

Nigel Roberts' coverage indicates a focus on national government and politics, with particular attention to evolving stories and breaking news related to legal policy regulation. His reporting also delves into topics such as racism, civil rights, and reparations.

Given this focus, pitches should emphasize insights from experts in government affairs or legal professionals who can provide commentary on ongoing political developments or legal issues with national implications. Pitches that offer perspectives on racial justice, civil rights movements, or legislative actions would likely align well with his coverage areas.

Additionally, given the high proportion of evolving stories in Nigel's articles, sources who can provide timely updates or unique angles to developing news within the realms of politics and law may be particularly appealing to him.

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Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Crime, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Culture & Society, Crime, World Affairs
Most recent topics
Entertainment News, Government & Politics, Crime, Culture & Society, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Crime, Business & Industry, Education, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Crime, Culture & Society, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Entertainment News, Crime, Government & Politics, Sports, Family & Relationships