A good massage can melt away months of built-up tension in minutes, but not everyone has the means to hit the spa regularly. That's why many are turning to at-home massages to undo their aches and pains, often with the help of handheld massagers. The popularity of handheld massagers has exploded in recent years, and chances are that you've seen them everywhere from the gifting section at Marshall's to online storefronts like Amazon. Still, not all massage tools are created equal, and it can be stressful to take your pick from dozens of devices without knowing what to expect inside their boxes.
Robyn Song is a writer, artist, and content creator based in New York and the UK. With a focus on beauty, lifestyle, medical research, and human rights, Robyn's work has been featured in various publications, including Glam and Tasting Table. She also has experience writing for Yahoo Sports UK, Yahoo News UK, The List, The Manual, and Yahoo News.