Shamarria Morrison

Multimedia Journalist


Preston's Summary

Shamarria Morrison is a multimedia journalist based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She focuses on local news and stories that impact the community. Shamarria's work covers a wide range of topics including education, housing, community events, and social issues. She is dedicated to providing accurate and impactful reporting to keep the community informed.

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Geo Focus

Tallahassee, Florida, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Government Announcement: 42 %
Cites Data: 16 %
Evolving Stories: 10 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 7 %
Event Coverage: 7 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Tallahassee
  • Local News
  • Community Events
  • Crime
  • Business
  • City Budget

Pitching Insights

Shamarria's coverage focuses on local news, particularly in North Carolina and Charlotte. She often covers stories related to education, government & politics, and community safety. Given her focus on these topics, she may be interested in pitches that provide insights from local experts or officials related to educational policies, political developments at the local level, and community safety initiatives.

Pitches focused on providing data-driven analysis of trends impacting the local economy or employment landscape could also resonate with Shamarria given her coverage attributes. Additionally, sources who can offer actionable solutions to address issues like drunk driving or housing affordability in the region may catch her attention.

When reaching out to Shamarria Morrison it is important to keep a strong emphasis on how your pitch relates specifically to North Carolina and Charlotte while addressing relevant themes such as education policy, government announcements or community safety within this geographic scope.

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Based on similarity of content.
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