Sophie Hirsh

Senior Editor


Preston's Summary

Sophie Hirsh is a Senior Editor for Green Matters, a publication focused on environmental sustainability and eco-friendly living. Sophie covers a wide range of topics, including climate solutions, veganism, sustainable fashion, and social activism. With a passion for promoting a greener future, Sophie aims to inspire readers to make positive changes in their daily lives.

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Coverage Attributes:

Exclusive: 27 %
Government Announcement: 14 %
Promotional Deal: 9 %
How To Guide: 7 %
Cites Data: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Doula Certification
  • Doula Selection

Pitching Insights

Sophie's coverage indicates a strong focus on environment, lifestyle, and exclusive stories. Pitches to her should highlight unique and eco-friendly products or initiatives, exclusive interviews with notable figures in the environmental or lifestyle space, as well as insights into government announcements related to these areas.

Given Sophie’s interest in exclusivity, offering her access to unique individuals or stories can increase the likelihood of obtaining coverage. For example, providing an opportunity for an exclusive interview with a prominent figure involved in environmental activism could be particularly appealing.

While there is no specific geographic focus mentioned for Sophie's articles, it would still be beneficial to consider pitching topics relevant to international audiences due to the global nature of environmental issues.

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