Trevor Hughes

National correspondent, USA TODAY

Preston's Summary

Trevor Hughes is a national correspondent for USA TODAY, with a focus on local stories across the United States. With a diverse background in journalism, Trevor has covered a wide range of topics including environmental issues, social issues, politics, and breaking news. His work has been featured in various publications and media outlets, showcasing his expertise and dedication to reporting on important issues.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Evolving Stories: 28 %
Breaking News: 19 %
Government Announcement: 18 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 13 %
Cites Data: 8 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Natural Phenomena (Aurora Borealis)
  • Mass Shootings
  • Wildfires
  • Politics (State and National)
  • Infrastructure Collapse
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Migrant Crisis
  • Environmental Issues (Wildfires
  • EVs)
  • Abortion Legislation
  • IVF Rulings

Pitching Insights

Trevor Hughes' coverage involves a mix of evolving stories, breaking news, and government announcements. The themes covered include politics, crime, scientific topics, and government & politics. His articles often discuss migrant-related issues, climate change impacts in the US including local events such as FBI investigations.

For outreach to Trevor Hughes, consider providing insights related to ongoing or developing local political events or policies within the United States. Additionally, pitches focusing on crime-related developments or scientific studies with implications for policy may be of interest to him. As his focus is on local news within the US., tailor your pitches accordingly.

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Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
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Government & Politics, Crime, Tragedy, World Affairs, Culture & Society
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Crime, Government & Politics, Family & Relationships, Entertainment News, Education
Most recent topics
Crime, Government & Politics, Scientific, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Crime, Government & Politics, Politics, Entertainment News, Entertainment
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Government & Politics, Travel & Tourism, Crime, Entertainment News, Scientific
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Crime, Scientific, Family & Relationships