“The Brutalist” stars Brody as an architect who survived the Holocaust and immigrated to the United States
The Times of Israel is a Jerusalem-based online news platform dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of Israel, the Middle East, and the global Jewish community. Established in 2012 by veteran journalist David Horovitz, the platform aims to deliver fair and impartial reporting on a wide range of topics.
With a focus on culture, society, government, politics, entertainment, family, and lifestyle, The Times of Israel caters to a diverse readership interested in staying informed about developments in the region and the Jewish diaspora. The platform covers evolving stories, major events, government announcements, private sector news, and in-depth profiles, offering a well-rounded perspective on current affairs.
The Times of Israel's audience comprises individuals with an interest in Middle Eastern affairs, Jewish culture, and global politics. It serves as a valuable resource for those seeking insightful analysis and diverse viewpoints on issues affecting Israel, its neighbors, and the international Jewish community.
Through its online presence and news aggregation capabilities, The Times of Israel delivers its content to readers worldwide, leveraging digital platforms to disseminate information and facilitate discussions on pertinent topics.