Princess Cruises, known as “The Love Boat,” celebrates 60 years with a 14-day Mexican Riviera Voyage. Departing from Port of Los Angeles on December 6, 2025, this cruise aboard Royal Princess revisits key ports from its inaugural journey in 1965!
Porthole Cruise and Travel is a leading publication dedicated to the world of cruising and travel. It serves as a comprehensive resource for cruise enthusiasts, providing the latest news, reviews, and insights into the ever-evolving cruise industry.
Catering to a diverse audience of travelers and adventure seekers, Porthole Cruise and Travel covers a wide range of topics related to transportation and logistics, home and lifestyle, travel and tourism, culture and society, as well as beauty and fashion. From in-depth ship reviews and destination features to articles on onboard amenities, cuisine, entertainment, and shopping, the publication offers a holistic perspective on the cruise experience.
Porthole Cruise and Travel's content is delivered through a combination of online digital platforms and traditional print magazines. Readers can expect to find exclusive coverage, event highlights, promotional deals, and announcements from private sector entities within the cruise and travel industry.
Whether you're a seasoned cruiser or a curious traveler, Porthole Cruise and Travel provides a comprehensive and engaging resource to help you plan your next adventure on the high seas or explore new destinations around the globe.