By: Estelle Timar-Wilcox
30-year-old William Haslach worked at Cowern Elementary, Richardson Elementary and North High. Authorities say they have not found any indication that students at the schools were involved.
Minneapolis, United States (Local)
Not enough data
Estelle Timar-Wilcox's coverage primarily focuses on local news in Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota, with particular attention to government and politics, as well as sports. Her articles often cover announcements, government statements, and press releases related to local issues such as education, health care, community events, and social justice.
If you plan to reach out to Estelle for potential coverage or expert commentary opportunities related to her beat: consider offering insights into local political developments or initiatives within the Minneapolis area; expertise on educational matters or youth-related programs; information about community events and initiatives focusing on health care or philanthropy within Minnesota.
Given her focus on specific geographic regions (Minnesota & Minneapolis) it will be beneficial if your pitch is directly relevant to these areas.
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