John Worthen

Preston's Summary

John Worthen is a journalist for The Trucker, specializing in covering news and events related to the trucking industry in the United States. With a keen interest in transportation and logistics, John provides insightful and timely articles that keep readers informed about the latest developments in the industry.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Press Release: 28 %
Cites Data: 15 %
Government Announcement: 12 %
Breaking News: 10 %
Private Sector Announcements: 10 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Trucking Industry
  • Transportation
  • Regulations
  • Technology
  • Accidents

Pitching Insights

John Worthen's coverage focuses on the national transportation and logistics industry, with a significant emphasis on press releases, government announcements, data citations, and private sector updates. To effectively pitch to John, consider providing insights from industry leaders or experts in transportation and logistics trends relevant to his recent articles.

Given the focus on specific aspects such as diesel prices and winter weather conditions impacting transportation operations, pitches could include expert analysis of market trends or insight into how severe weather affects different modes of transport. Additionally, topics related to traffic accidents involving commercial vehicles along with developments in autonomous trucking technology may also be of interest.

Since John primarily covers the United States' trucking industry but doesn't specify geographic focus beyond that country level scope; he is likely open to receiving information about national-level events and trends within this space.

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