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Routes is a leading aviation industry platform dedicated to facilitating route development and fostering connections between airlines and airports globally. It serves as a comprehensive resource for professionals in the travel, tourism, transportation, logistics, and aviation sectors.

Routes organizes prestigious networking events, such as the World Route Development Forums, which bring together airlines, airports, and industry stakeholders from various regions to explore new route opportunities and forge partnerships. These events provide a valuable platform for airlines to identify potential new routes and for airports to market their destinations effectively.

In addition to its events, Routes offers a suite of digital products and services, including Route Exchange, an online platform that enables airports to promote their market opportunities and access valuable market data and route development information. The platform serves as a central hub for air service development activities.

Routes also publishes industry-specific media, such as the Routes Update weekly newsletter, Routes News magazine, and breaking route announcements through its sister website, These publications provide in-depth analysis, news, and insights into the latest developments in the aviation industry, catering to professionals seeking to stay informed about emerging trends, sustainability initiatives, and business opportunities.

Routes' content and services are available through various platforms, including online digital publications, private company websites, and event-specific resources. The company's comprehensive offerings cater to a diverse audience, including airlines, airports, industry analysts, marketers, and professionals involved in route development, sales, and sustainability efforts within the aviation sector.

Coverage Attributes:

Press Release: 47 %
Private Sector Announcements: 20 %
Event Coverage: 9 %
Industry Specific: 8 %
Cites Data: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Airlines
  • Aviation
  • Caribbean Islands
  • Aruba
  • Canada

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