Jordan Summers-Marcouillier

Jordan Summers-Marcouillier

Editorial Assistant

Preston's Summary

Jordan Summers-Marcouillier is an Editorial Assistant for Eat This, Not That! and has also been featured in Yahoo News. With a focus on food and dining, Jordan's articles cover a range of topics including restaurant deals, menu reviews, fast-food trends, and closures. Their work provides readers with insights into the world of dining and helps them make informed choices about their food options.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Promotional Deal: 30 %
Cites Data: 16 %
Review: 13 %
Private Sector Announcements: 11 %
Seasonal: 8 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Fast Food
  • Sandwiches
  • Burgers
  • Restaurant Quality

Pitching Insights

Jordan Summers-Marcouillier's articles primarily revolve around lifestyle and food-related content, particularly focusing on fast-food chains and restaurant trends. Given the emphasis on promotional deals, reviews, and private sector announcements in her coverage attributes, she may be interested in pitches related to exclusive insights into new menu items or promotions at popular fast-food chains.

If you have expertise in the food industry or can provide unique data-driven analysis of consumer preferences within the fast-food or restaurant space, it could be a compelling pitch for Jordan's coverage. Additionally, if you have access to insider information about upcoming changes or closures within well-known restaurant chains, it could capture her attention.

Although there is no specific geographic focus mentioned for Jordan’s coverage area, she seems to cover topics that are relevant across different regions.

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