Cybersecurity Thought Leadership: 10 Examples + Trends in 2024

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

As the digital landscape becomes more sophisticated, so do the threats. 

That’s why cybersecurity is a cornerstone for safeguarding sensitive information, critical infrastructure, and individual privacy. 

But technological advancements and the methods employed by cybercriminals make it imperative for organizations and individuals to stay ahead of the curve. 

One way to do that is to participate in cybersecurity thought leadership. By using expertise and experience, thought leaders can create and share innovative cybersecurity solutions. 

The added benefit for you? Your brand or company gets the prestige and recognition that results in boosted consumer trust and awareness. 

That’s why we’ll explore the essence of cybersecurity and its significance in this roundup. Plus, we’ve added some of the top examples of cybersecurity thought leadership.

You can use this article to get an idea of how to start your own strategy or see what other thought leaders are doing. 

We’ll also examine key trends projected to shape the cybersecurity landscape in 2024.

Here’s what we’ll explore:

  • What is Cybersecurity Thought Leadership?
  • 10 Examples of Cybersecurity Thought Leadership
  • Cybersecurity Trends 2024

Ready to get started on your thought leadership strategy?

Let us help! Simply book a free consultation with one of our PR experts and we will help you start or improve your cybersecurity thought leadership strategy.

What is Cybersecurity Thought Leadership?

First, let’s understand cybersecurity. 

It’s the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, damage, or theft. It encompasses a wide range of technologies, processes, and practices that are designed to defend against cyber threats. 

These threats can take various forms, including:

The goal of cybersecurity is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

Cybersecurity thought leadership refers to the influential and authoritative guidance provided by individuals, organizations, or entities in the field of cybersecurity. 

These thought leaders are recognized for their expertise, insights, and innovative contributions to the understanding, management, and improvement of cybersecurity practices. 

They play a critical role in shaping the discourse around digital security, offering strategic perspectives, and influencing industry best practices.

Pro Tip: Thought leadership is a proven, powerful marketing strategy. It is honed and perfected by individuals or organizations to maximize impact in their industry. 

For more info on the power of thought leadership as a marketing strategy, read our article: Unlocking the Power of Thought Leadership Marketing (Benefits + Best Practices) 

Key Elements of Cybersecurity Thought Leadership

Cybersecurity thought leadership involves a combination of: 

  • Technical Expertise
  • Strategic Vision
  • Effective Communication
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Commitment to Advancing the Field

Thought leaders contribute to building a secure digital environment by influencing industry practices, shaping policies, and fostering a collaborative and informed cybersecurity community.

To better understand thought leadership in cybersecurity, let’s examine some of the crucial characteristics.

 Expertise and Technical Proficiency: 

  • Cybersecurity thought leaders are experts in the field, possessing deep technical knowledge of information security, cryptography, network security, and related areas. 
  • They often have a track record of practical experience in dealing with cybersecurity challenges. 

Risk Management and Strategic Vision

  • Thought leaders in cybersecurity excel in understanding and managing cybersecurity risks. 
  • They provide strategic vision for organizations to proactively address potential threats, vulnerabilities, and emerging challenges in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. 

Innovation and Thoughtful Solutions

  • Cybersecurity thought leadership is at the forefront of developing and promoting innovative solutions to address new and evolving cyber threats. 
  • They contribute to the advancement of cybersecurity technologies, methodologies, and best practices.

Communication and Education

  • Effective communication is a hallmark of cybersecurity thought leadership. 
  • Thought leaders can convey complex cybersecurity concepts in a way that is accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences. 
  • They engage in public speaking, write articles, and participate in educational initiatives to raise awareness and understanding of cybersecurity issues. 

Policy Advocacy

  • Many cybersecurity thought leaders engage in policy discussions, advocating for legislative and regulatory measures that enhance cybersecurity standards and practices. 
  • They may collaborate with policymakers, industry associations, and international organizations to shape effective cybersecurity policies. 

Ethical Considerations

  • Thought leaders in cybersecurity contribute to discussions on ethical considerations related to digital security. 
  • This includes issues such as user privacy, responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities, and the ethical use of cybersecurity technologies.

Incident Response and Crisis Management

  • Cybersecurity thought leaders are often well-versed in incident response and crisis management. 
  • They guide organizations in responding to and recovering from cybersecurity incidents, helping minimize damage and improve resilience. 

Collaboration and Community Building

  • Collaboration is a key aspect of cybersecurity thought leadership. 
  • Leaders in the field often engage in partnerships, share threat intelligence, and participate in forums or working groups to collectively address cybersecurity challenges. 

Continuous Learning and Adaptability

  • Given the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats, thought leaders in this field demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning. 
  • They stay informed about the latest cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and defensive strategies to adapt and respond effectively.

Pro Tip: These characteristics are crucial for crafting and informing your cybersecurity thought leadership strategy. It’s important to find people within your organization with these characteristics to be the thought leaders representing your company or brand.

Learn more about thought leadership strategy here: Thought Leadership Strategy: 14 Steps to Balancing Authority and Authenticity (+ Examples) 

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Okay, so we know what cybersecurity is and what the important aspects of cybersecurity thought leadership are — but why is cybersecurity itself important? 

Let’s check out five key points of cybersecurity that make it a digital-age imperative:  

  1. Protection of Sensitive Information: With an increasing amount of sensitive information being stored digitally, cybersecurity is crucial for safeguarding personal data, financial information, and intellectual property. 
  1. Preserving Privacy: As our lives become more interconnected through digital platforms, preserving individual privacy becomes paramount. Cybersecurity measures help in preventing unauthorized access to personal information. 
  1. Safeguarding National Security: Critical infrastructure such as power grids, transportation systems, and communication networks are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Cybersecurity is essential for protecting these vital components of a nation’s infrastructure. 
  1. Ensuring Business Continuity: Organizations rely heavily on digital systems for their day-to-day operations. Cybersecurity measures help ensure the continuity of business operations by preventing disruptions caused by cyber threats. 
  1. Mitigating Financial Losses: Cyber attacks can result in significant financial losses for businesses and individuals. Cybersecurity measures are essential for minimizing the economic impact of such incidents.

10 Examples of Cybersecurity Thought Leadership

There is no shortage of experts and thought leaders in the cybersecurity sector. Here, we’ve compiled a list of ten influential figures in the cybersecurity industry.

1. Graham Cluley

Graham Cluley is a seasoned cybersecurity veteran, renowned for his extensive contributions to the field. With over three decades of experience, Cluley has significantly shaped cybersecurity discourse through his insightful analysis, authoritative commentary, and relentless advocacy for online safety. 

His work spans diverse platforms, from writing prolifically on cyber threats and trends, engaging in public speaking engagements worldwide, and appearing on the award-winning “Breaking Security” podcast. 

Cluley’s cybersecurity thought leadership efforts help make complex concepts accessible to a broad audience and fortify digital defenses across the globe. His unwavering commitment to educating the masses about cybersecurity risks and best practices has solidified his status as a respected authority. 

2. Dr. Magda Lilia Chelly

Dr. Magda Lilia Chelly embodies a pioneering force in the cybersecurity realm, and she is celebrated for her groundbreaking contributions. 

A self-described cyberfeminist, her multidisciplinary expertise combines cybersecurity, human behavior, and psychology to redefine security paradigms. 

As a keynote speaker and advocate, Dr. Chelly fervently champions diversity, inclusion, and ethical hacking. Her leadership in transforming cybersecurity culture, empowering women in tech, and advocating for a more holistic approach to cyber defense underscores her profound impact. 

Dr. Chelly’s visionary insights and commitment to a more resilient digital landscape epitomize her influential status in shaping the future of cybersecurity.

3. Brian Krebs

A prominent figure in cybersecurity, Brian Krebs is lauded for his unparalleled investigative reporting on cybercrime. 

Known for his blog “KrebsOnSecurity,” he fearlessly exposes intricate cyber threats, uncovering major breaches and shedding light on the dark underbelly of the digital world. 

Krebs’ meticulous investigations have unraveled sophisticated hacking operations, providing invaluable insights for both industry professionals and the general public. 

His dedication to demystifying complex cyber incidents and advocating for heightened security measures has earned him widespread acclaim and solidified his role as a trusted authority in the fight against cybercrime.

4. Jane Frankland

Jane Frankland is an industry trailblazer known for her tireless efforts in advocating for diversity and resilience within cybersecurity. 

As an author, speaker, and entrepreneur, Frankland fervently champions the inclusion of women in the male-dominated industry, spearheading initiatives to bridge the gender gap. 

Her acclaimed book, InSecurity: Why a Failure to Attract and Retain Women in Cybersecurity is Making Us All Less Safe, highlights the critical importance of diverse perspectives in fortifying cyber defenses. 

Frankland’s dedication to nurturing talent, fostering diversity, and strengthening cyber resilience emphasizes her pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive and robust cybersecurity landscape.

5. Phillimon Zongo

Phillimon Zongo is the CEO of the Cyber Leadership Institute and a beacon in cultivating transformative leaders within the cybersecurity domain. 

Through tailored programs, mentorship, and immersive experiences, his efforts mold adept professionals into visionary leaders equipped to navigate the evolving cyber landscape. 

Zongo’s emphasis on strategic thinking, ethical decision-making, and innovative problem-solving fosters a new breed of cybersecurity leadership. By bridging the gap between technical expertise and leadership prowess, he contributes significantly to fortifying global cyber defenses. 

His dedication to guiding adept leaders capable of steering organizations through complex cyber challenges marks him as a pivotal force in shaping the future of cybersecurity.

6. Jadee Hanson

Jadee Hanson is the CIO and CISO at Code42. Her impactful contributions are reshaping the cybersecurity landscape. 

With a career spanning decades, her expertise and cybersecurity thought leadership have forged new paradigms in threat intelligence and cyber defense strategies. 

Her pivotal roles in global cybersecurity firms and advisory boards testify to her innovative thinking and visionary approach. Hanson’s advocacy for diversity in tech and mentorship programs have amplified underrepresented voices, fostering inclusivity in a traditionally male-dominated field. 

Her thought leadership through publications and speaking engagements continues to drive discussions and inspire the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. Hanson’s commitment propels the industry toward greater resilience and security.

7. Hardeep Mehrotara

Hardeep Mehrotara is a transformative force in cybersecurity, wielding expertise that reshapes industry norms. His multifaceted career spans pioneering roles within global security firms, where Mehrotara’s strategic insights revolutionize threat mitigation and defense mechanisms.

Championing innovation, he spearheads initiatives at the intersection of AI and cybersecurity, propelling the field into cutting-edge territory. Mehrotara’s influential thought leadership, evident in publications and keynote addresses, drives critical conversations on emerging cyber threats and solutions. 

A fervent advocate for collaboration, Mehrotara’s initiatives bridge gaps between sectors, fortifying a united front against evolving digital risks. His efforts drive cybersecurity’s evolution toward fortified resilience and adaptability.

8. Ariel Saldin Weintraub

As the CISO at MassMutual, Ariel Saldin Weintraubher’s impactful footprint redefines the industry’s landscape. With a career steeped in pioneering roles across global cybersecurity firms, Weintraub’s visionary strategies have revolutionized threat intelligence and defense mechanisms. 

Her commitment to pushing technological frontiers has birthed groundbreaking advancements, especially in the realm of blockchain, IoT security, and supply chain resiliency. Weintraub’s advocacy for inclusivity in tech and mentorship initiatives amplify underrepresented voices and foster diversity in this domain. 

Through prolific publications and thought-provoking interviews, she continues to ignite critical conversations, inspiring the next wave of cybersecurity leaders. Weintraub’s thought leadership activities bolster the industry’s resilience against emerging threats.

9. Rex Thexton

Rex Thexton is an influential force in cybersecurity. As the Senior Managing Director and Global Practice lead for Accenture’s Global Digital Identity business, his expertise is shaping the industry’s trajectory. 

With a diverse career across global security firms, Thexton’s strategic prowess redefines threat mitigation and defense strategies. His focus on innovative technologies, particularly in AI-driven security solutions, propels the field into new realms of efficacy. 

Thexton’s thought leadership, evident in guest appearances and keynote presentations, sparks crucial dialogues on emerging cyber threats and solutions.Through his cybersecurity thought leadership efforts, he guides the industry into an era of heightened preparedness and adaptability.

10. Nadya Bartol

Nadya Bartol is a cybersecurity luminary, with pioneering contributions that are shaping the industry’s landscape. As the Managing Director at BCG Platinion, Bartol’s strategic insights redefine threat intelligence and defense mechanisms. 

Her focus on cutting-edge technologies, notably in AI and machine learning applications, propels cybersecurity into uncharted territories of efficacy. Bartol’s advocacy for diversity and inclusivity in tech fosters a more representative industry, empowering underrepresented voices. 

Her empowering efforts in cybersecurity thought leadership influence and inspire the next generation of female cybersecurity leaders. Bartol’s devotion to advancing cybersecurity strengthens the industry’s resilience against evolving threats.

Pro Tip: While you don’t have to be in the C-suite to be a thought leader, executives do bring unique perspective and experience to their thought leadership efforts. The point is to find people within your organization who have the characteristics and expertise to be a good thought leader. 

Want to see what C-suit level thought leadership looks like? Learn more about executive thought leadership here: Executive Thought Leadership: A Comprehensive Guide

5 Top Cybersecurity Industry Trends 2024

Now that we’ve met some top examples of cybersecurity thought leadership, let’s check out five important trends expected to shape the cybersecurity industry in 2024.

1. AI and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

  • The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity will continue to be a dominant trend in 2024. 
  • These technologies enable the development of advanced threat detection, anomaly recognition, and automated response mechanisms, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity defenses.

2. Zero Trust Architecture

  • The Zero Trust Architecture, which assumes that no entity, whether inside or outside the network, should be trusted by default, will gain further prominence. 
  • This approach involves rigorous verification of anyone trying to access resources, reducing the attack surface and minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

3. Ransomware Resilience Strategies

  • Given the rise in ransomware attacks, organizations will focus on developing and implementing resilience strategies. 
  • This includes regular data backups, incident response plans, and employee training to mitigate the impact of ransomware incidents and enhance the ability to recover quickly.

4. Supply Chain Security

  • Organizations will implement robust measures to verify the security posture of third-party vendors, ensuring that the entire supply chain remains resilient to cyber threats.

5. Biometric Authentication Advances

  • As traditional forms of authentication face increasing vulnerabilities, biometric methods provide a more secure and user-friendly alternative, especially in the context of multi-factor authentication.

Pro Tip: Continuous learning and trend tracking allows thought leaders to anticipate industry changes and more adeptly influence and advance their field. Choose to reflect on or innovate around the trends that are most relevant to your experience and expertise.

For more on general thought leadership topics and trends for 2024, check out our article: 6 Thought Leadership Topics Trending in 2024 [Ideas + Examples]


Cybersecurity remains a dynamic and critical aspect of our digital existence, and staying abreast of the latest developments is essential for individuals, organizations, and nations. 

The examples of cybersecurity thought leadership mentioned in this article represent a diverse array of expertise, from human-centric approaches to technological innovations. 

As we move into 2024, the cybersecurity landscape is poised for further advancements, driven by collaborative efforts, innovative solutions, and a commitment to creating a secure digital future. Just remember that it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse.

Want help getting started with a cybersecurity thought leadership strategy? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation to get expert insight into how to shape a strategy that gets results.