Higher Education Thought Leadership: Shaping the Educational Landscape [+ Examples and Trends]

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Thought leadership is a pivotal force in shaping the future of higher education. It embodies the innovation, insights, and expertise that influential individuals bring to the table

Thought leaders in higher education steer the course of educational progress.

With innovation as a progress-driving currency, higher education thought leadership embodies pushing boundaries and redefining the landscape of learning. 

From groundbreaking research to revolutionary teaching methodologies, it’s the catalyst for change in institutions and the educational experience. 

But what exactly is higher education thought leadership? Why is it significant? What can we expect in this domain in 2024?

In this article, we delve into the essence of higher education thought leadership, exploring its significance, strategies, influential figures, and the anticipated trends that promise to revolutionize academia in 2024.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What is Higher Education Thought Leadership? 
  • How to Develop a Higher Education Thought Leadership Strategy? 
  • Examples of Higher Education Thought Leadership
  • Higher Education Thought Leadership Trends 2024

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What is Higher Education Thought Leadership?

Higher education thought leadership represents the forefront of innovative thinking, groundbreaking research, and visionary strategies within academia. It encompasses individuals, institutions, or initiatives that spearhead change, drive conversations, and influence the direction of education on a global scale. 

Leaders like Sal Khan of Khan Academy, renowned for revolutionizing online learning, exemplify higher education thought leadership. 

Institutions like Harvard University with its free courses and research endeavors, or Coursera — a pioneer in offering massive open online courses (MOOCs) — embody thought leadership through their innovative approaches to higher education.

Why is Higher Education Thought Leadership Important?

Now that we understand what thought leadership in higher education is and what it looks like,  let’s examine its importance. 

Here are a few key reasons higher education thought leadership is a necessary aspect of advancing academia:

  • Innovation and Adaptation: Thought leaders push the boundaries, introducing new methodologies, technologies, and pedagogies, crucial for adapting education to an ever-evolving world. 
  • Visibility and Reputation: Thought leaders command respect and attention, bolstering the reputation of both individuals and institutions, attracting talent, funding, and partnerships. 
  • Impact on Policy and Practice: They influence policies, curriculum development, and educational practices, fostering meaningful changes within the education system.

What are the Benefits of Higher Education Thought Leadership?

Some benefits of higher education thought leadership include: 

  • Increased Influence: Thought leaders gain credibility and wield influence, becoming go-to resources for guidance and insights. 
  • Recruitment and Funding: Enhanced visibility attracts top talent, funding opportunities, and partnerships, fostering growth and development. 
  • Innovation and Evolution: Thought leadership activities drive innovation, propelling the evolution of educational methodologies and practices.

What are the Characteristics of Higher Education Thought Leadership?

Higher education thought leadership manifests through several defining characteristics that distinguish it within academia: 

  • Innovative Pedagogies and Methodologies: Thought leaders pioneer new approaches, challenging traditional teaching methodologies to foster enhanced learning experiences. 
  • Cutting-Edge Research and Insights: They drive research agendas, generating groundbreaking insights that shape educational discourse and practices. 
  • Global Influence and Impact: Thought leaders transcend borders, influencing educational policies, practices, and institutions on a global scale. 
  • Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Embracing diverse perspectives, they encourage collaborations across disciplines, fostering innovation and holistic learning approaches.

Pro Tip: Understanding the importance of thought leadership and its characteristics is crucial to effectively cultivating powerful thought leadership efforts. 

Learn more about the power of thought leadership here: Unlocking the Power of Thought Leadership Marketing (Benefits + Best Practices) 

How to Develop a Higher Education Thought Leadership Strategy? 

To establish higher education thought leadership, you need to develop an effective thought leadership strategy. If done correctly, this multi-step process will foster authority and trust.

To get started, check out this step-by-step process:

Step 1. Identify Your Niche and Audience 

Start by carving out your area of expertise. This could be a subtopic in your field that you’re already familiar with, an area that’s lacking in your industry where you can establish authority, or both. 

For example, Dr. Johnson is a Sociology professor. She identifies the need to bridge academic theories with practical social issues relevant to undergraduate students interested in community development. 

  • Why this is good: Understanding your niche allows for tailored content creation and engagement with a specific audience, increasing the impact of your thought leadership. 

Step 2. Create Compelling Content

If your content isn’t interesting, no one will care. 

Share your higher education thought leadership insights through a variety of mediums — articles, blog, podcasts, etc. Some media platforms may resonate more with your target audience than others. Identify the most impactful way to deliver your message more effectively. 

Dr. Johnson started a blog discussing sociological theories in real-world contexts, sharing case studies and inviting student perspectives. 

  • Why this is good: Providing valuable content establishes credibility, attracting an audience and initiating discussions within the academic and student communities. 

3. Engage through Social Media

Maintain engagement across multiple social media platforms. Track likes and shares, and respond to comments to maintain open communication with your audience. 

Dr. Johnson shares blog posts on Twitter, engaging in conversations with students, fellow academics, and professionals in related fields. 

  • Why this is good: Social media amplifies reach. Foster a network and engage directly with your audience to enhance thought leadership visibility.

Step 4. Collaborate and Guest Speak

Form relationships with industry peers and professionals in related fields to collaborate on projects that will help you reach a broader audience. 

Dr. Johnson collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), participates in podcasts, and guest lectures at universities, sharing insights and expanding her network. 

  • Why this is good: Collaborations provide exposure to new audiences, lending credibility and reinforcing expertise in the field of study. 

Step 5. Publish Regularly

Create a content calendar and consistently publish the compelling content you’ve created.  

Dr. Johnson publishes research papers and contributes op-eds to reputable publications, providing academic rigor and practical insights on societal issues. 

  • Why this is good: Publishing enhances academic reputation, contributing valuable knowledge to the field while reaching a broader audience. 

Step 6. Network and Attend Conferences

Follow relevant conference schedules. Plan to attend multiple conferences per year and make valuable connections. 

Dr. Johnson attends national and international conferences, presenting her research and networking with peers and potential collaborators. 

  • Why this is good: Conferences offer opportunities for knowledge exchange, establishing connections, and staying updated on current trends in academia.

Step 7. Measure Impact and Adapt Example

Identify and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) to inform and improve your higher learning thought leadership strategy.  

Dr. Johnson tracks blog engagement, social media metrics, and audience feedback to adapt content and engagement strategies. 

  • Why this is good: Monitoring impact helps refine strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and relevance in thought leadership endeavors. 

Pro Tip: By leveraging multiple platforms and continuously refining strategies, one can effectively position themselves as a thought leader, contributing significantly to their field while influencing and inspiring others.

Get more information about thought leadership strategy here: Thought Leadership Strategy: 14 Steps to Balancing Authority and Authenticity (+ Examples)

Examples of Higher Education Thought Leadership

Let’s dive into the innovative minds shaping the future of academia and driving paradigm shifts. These thought leaders in higher education are redefining the landscape through visionary insights and groundbreaking initiatives.

Angela Duckworth

Angela Duckworth is a pioneering academic and psychologist. She has revolutionized higher education with her research on grit and perseverance. Her groundbreaking concept of “grit” redefined success by emphasizing passion and perseverance over raw talent. 

Duckworth’s insights prompted a shift in educational approaches, advocating for the development of non-cognitive skills crucial for student achievement. Through guest speaking, books like Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, and the Character Lab, she’s influenced educators worldwide. 

higher education thought leadership angela duckworth

By promoting grit-based strategies in curriculum design and teaching methods, Duckworth’s work continues to shape a more holistic approach to learning. That in turn impacts students’ long-term success in higher education.

Office Hours with EAB

Office Hours with EAB is an influential podcast in higher education, offering invaluable insights and discussions. Hosted by experts from the Education Advisory Board (EAB), it provides a platform for thought-provoking dialogues on critical industry challenges.

Covering diverse topics from student success to institutional strategies, the podcast bridges gaps between theory and practice. Its deep dives into timely issues, featuring leaders and innovators, offer actionable solutions for higher education professionals.

higher education thought leadership office hours with EAB

By fostering a collaborative learning space and disseminating best practices, Office Hours with EAB significantly contributes to advancing and reshaping the higher education landscape.

Brandon Busteed

Brandon Busteed, a thought leader in higher education, has transformed the sector with innovative strategies. 

As the former president of Kaplan University Partners and global head of Learn-Work Innovation at Kaplan, his focus on linking education to workforce needs has been influential. 

Busteed’s advocacy for experiential learning, career readiness, and bridging the gap between academia and industry reshaped curricular designs. Through initiatives like Gallup’s Education Division and partnerships with educational institutions, he’s championed data-driven approaches to enhance student outcomes. 

higher education thought leadership brandon busteed

Busteed’s vision encourages a shift towards practical, career-aligned education, revolutionizing how institutions prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving job market.

Times Higher Education (THE)

Times Higher Education (THE) has become a pivotal force, shaping the higher education landscape worldwide. Renowned for its comprehensive rankings, analyses, and editorial content, THE serves as a barometer for institutional excellence. 

Through its World University Rankings and in-depth reporting, it influences policy, strategic decisions, and academic discourse. THE’s platforms offer a global stage for scholarly debate, driving innovation and collaboration across borders. 

higher education thought leadership times higher education

By spotlighting emerging trends, challenges, and success stories, THE contributes significantly to fostering transparency, benchmarking standards, and propelling the continuous improvement of higher education institutions on a global scale.

Karen Gross

Karen Gross is a transformative educator and author. She has made indelible contributions to higher education access and innovation. Her work focuses on supporting underserved student populations — making higher education attainable — as well as advocating for trauma-informed education and mental health awareness.  

As a former college president and senior policy advisor, Gross pioneered initiatives addressing student loan debt, mental health support, and fostering inclusive learning environments. 

Through books like Breakaway Learners and active involvement in policy discussions, she champions holistic student support systems. 

higher education thought leadership karen gross

Gross’s dedication to equity and her practical solutions continue to reshape higher education, fostering environments where all students can thrive and succeed.

The Enrollify Podcast

The Enrollify Podcast is a guiding voice in higher education marketing, offering invaluable insights and strategies. Hosting industry leaders, it delves into innovative enrollment tactics, digital marketing trends, and student recruitment challenges. 

With episodes covering diverse topics like CRM optimization, higher education branding, and data-driven strategies, it serves as a vital resource for enrollment professionals. 

higher education thought leadership enrollify podcast

The Enrollify Podcast dissects successful campaigns and shares best practices. Through in-depth discussions, it equips institutions with actionable approaches to navigate the evolving landscape of student recruitment and fosters a community where marketing strategies evolve to meet the dynamic needs of higher education. 

Anant Agarwal

Anant Agarwal is a visionary in the field of online learning. He’s revolutionized higher education through innovative technological platforms. As the chief platform officer at 2U and the founder of edX, he pioneered MOOCs, democratizing access to quality education globally. 

Agarwal’s leadership in developing interactive, scalable learning environments through edX reshaped traditional teaching methods. By partnering with prestigious universities worldwide, he expanded educational opportunities for millions. 

higher education thought leadership anant agarwal

His commitment to advancing the efficacy of online education through cutting-edge technologies, adaptive learning, and credential programs has redefined the landscape of higher education. His higher education thought leadership efforts have made learning more accessible, affordable, and adaptable to diverse learners globally.

The Change Leader

The Change Leader, a revered higher education consulting firm, stands as a catalyst for innovation and transformation in higher education. Known for its in-depth blog and informative Changing Higher Ed podcast, hosted by CEO Dr. Drumm McNaughton, it offers a roadmap for navigating institutional change. 

By spotlighting successful change management strategies, leadership approaches, and tackling pressing issues like diversity, equity, and inclusion, it guides administrators and educators in fostering adaptive, forward-thinking institutions. 

higher education thought leadership the change leader

Through its thought-provoking content and practical guidance, The Change Leader inspires a culture of continuous improvement, empowering higher education leaders to navigate complexities, drive meaningful change, and shape a more responsive and inclusive academic environment.

Heather McGowan

Heather McGowan, a futurist and educational strategist, has reshaped higher education by advocating for future-focused learning paradigms. Her emphasis on preparing students for the rapidly evolving workforce of tomorrow has been transformative. 

McGowan’s work challenges traditional education models, urging institutions to prioritize adaptability, critical thinking, and continuous learning. 

Through keynote speeches, writings, and collaborations, she champions a shift from rote knowledge to skill development, fostering agility and resilience. 

higher education thought leadership heather mcgowan

McGowan’s vision for a curriculum — aligned with emerging trends and technology — empowers learners to thrive in an era defined by constant change and propels higher education toward a more future-ready landscape.

4 Higher Education Trends 2024

Part of establishing higher education thought leadership involves predicting the future. As we approach 2024, several trends are poised to shape the landscape of academia and redefine the educational experience for students and institutions alike. 

  • Hybrid Learning Models: Further evolution of hybrid learning combining in-person and online elements for a more flexible educational experience. 
  • Personalized Learning: Increased emphasis on adaptive learning technologies tailored to individual student needs for more effective education delivery. 

Pro Tip: Thought leaders in higher education anticipate a blend of ongoing shifts in technology, societal needs, and evolving student expectations.

Want to udpate your entire higher education marketing and PR strategy? Check out our higher education marketing trends here: 9 Higher Education Marketing Trends and Pro Tips for 2024


Higher education thought leadership is all about innovation and influence. As this journey through the realm of academia unfolds, one thing remains clear — the power of thought leadership extends beyond personal acclaim and resonates within the very core of educational advancement. 

As we navigate the evolving landscapes of technology, pedagogy, and societal needs, thought leadership in higher education spurs holistic progress and embraces innovation while honoring the fundamental principles of learning and discovery. Thought leaders in higher education embody the fusion of expertise, passion, and adaptability. They drive meaningful change and shape the minds of future generations. 

In the pursuit of thought leadership, transformative impact emerges not only from groundbreaking research and eloquent discourse but also from the profound connections forged with students, colleagues, and communities.

Ready to get started on your higher education thought leadership journey? Let us help! Book a free consultation with a PR expert and we will get you started on a strategy that works for you.