8 Step Guide to Innovative Healthcare Thought Leadership [+ 6 Trends]

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Thought leadership wields immense influence in marketing. And that’s particularly true within the vast and vital realm of healthcare.

That’s because innovative thought in healthcare can mean saving lives. 

Thought leadership insight is often a first step to this kind of innovative thinking. That’s what makes it a bedrock of industry progress.

Sounds great, right?

But how do you get started? And who can be a thought leader in the healthcare space?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or an organization. Effective thought leadership can help you stand out.

All you need to do is think about how you want to shape the industry and foster growth. All while understanding emerging technology, changing philosophies, and social shifts.

Doesn’t sound easy? Don’t worry.

It’s easier than you think.

In this article, you’ll see what healthcare thought leadership looks like. Plus, we showcase the current trends and strategies to help you get started.

Here’s what we’ll be discussing in more detail:

  • What is Healthcare Thought Leadership?
  • How to Craft a Healthcare Thought Leadership Strategy
  • 6 Healthcare Thought Leadership Trends 2024
  • Thought Leadership in Nursing
  • Styles of Healthcare Thought Leadership

Ready to be a thought leader in the healthcare space?

Let us help! Simply book a free consultation with one of our PR experts. We will help you get started on a healthcare thought leadership strategy that achieves your goals.

What is Healthcare Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership is a concept that goes beyond the mere dissemination of information — it involves actively shaping and influencing the healthcare industry by: 

  • Providing Innovative Ideas
  • Sharing Expertise
  • Offering Solutions to Complex Problems

Healthcare thought leadership extends to individuals or organizations that are recognized as authoritative figures in their field who drive positive change through their advanced knowledge, experience, and ability to inspire others.

Key Elements of Thought Leadership in Healthcare

  • Expertise: Thought leaders in healthcare possess deep knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. They are often highly educated and experienced professionals.
  • Innovation: Healthcare thought leaders are forward-thinkers who continuously seek out and develop innovative solutions to healthcare challenges.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is paramount for healthcare thought leaders. They must be able to convey complex ideas in a clear and compelling manner.
  • Visibility: Thought leaders are accessible and visible within the healthcare community. This can be achieved through speaking engagements, publications, and active participation in industry events.
  • Advocacy: Healthcare thought leaders advocate for change and improvements in healthcare systems, policies, and practices.
  • Networking: Building and maintaining a strong network is essential for healthcare thought leadership. It enables collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

How to Craft a Healthcare Thought Leadership Strategy

Effective healthcare thought leadership requires a well-considered strategy. Whether you’re an individual practitioner, a healthcare executive, or part of an organization, here are some key components of a healthcare thought leadership strategy:

Step 1 – Define Your Niche

Identify your specific area of expertise and passion within the healthcare industry. Healthcare thought leadership is most effective when it’s focused on a particular niche. Consider what you can contribute uniquely to the conversation.

Let’s say Larry is a lead industrial designer for a medtech company. He’s passionate about designing products that have a positive impact on people’s lives and wants to share valuable insights about new technologies and trends in his field.

Step 2 – Publish High-Quality Content

Healthcare thought leaders often disseminate their knowledge through various forms of content, including articles, research papers, blog posts, and whitepapers. Consistently produce high-quality, evidence-based content that addresses current healthcare challenges.

Larry has identified other subject matter experts (SMEs) from the UX and R&D teams to create a cross-pollinated calendar of in-depth healthcare thought leadership content. 
They post articles to their company website every week and decide to pitch article ideas to the top top 10 medtech publications.

Step 3 – Engage in Public Speaking

Public speaking engagements, whether at conferences or on webinars or podcasts, can help you reach a broader audience and establish yourself as a credible authority in your niche.

Larry has a knack and the passion for explaining new product designs and innovative improvements on existing products. 

He and other SMEs from his team have been invited to speak at multiple medical device events this year to further their healthcare thought leadership message. 

Step 4 – Leverage Social Media

Use social media platforms to share your insights, engage with your audience, and stay updated on industry trends. Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube are effective channels for posting healthcare thought leadership content.

Larry and his team share their content across multiple social media platforms and dedicate one  hour per day to responding to comments and questions. They also follow and engage with other healthcare thought leaders and healthcare thought leadership pages.

Step 5 – Collaborate with Peers

Collaboration with other thought leaders and industry experts can amplify your healthcare thought leadership impact. Join or create networks and organizations focused on your niche to foster collaboration.

Larry has been a featured guest on the DeviceTalks podcast, and he’s collaborated with Siemens Healthineers on live stream panel discussions about industry trends.

Step 6 – Provide Solutions

Healthcare thought leaders are not just critics — they offer practical solutions to healthcare challenges. Develop and promote innovative approaches and ideas that can drive positive industry change.

Larry’s healthcare thought leadership efforts have solved problems related to high manufacturing costs, accessibility, and user experience by designing cost-effective equipment with a minimal learning curve.

Step 7 – Build a Personal Brand

Your personal brand is your identity as a thought leader. It should reflect your values, expertise, and the impact you want to make in healthcare.

The passion, authenticity, and expertise exhibited by Larry’s healthcare thought leadership efforts has established him as a prominent and influential figure in the healthcare industry.

Step 8 – Measure and Adapt

Regularly assess the impact of your thought leadership efforts. Are you reaching your target audience? Are your ideas gaining traction? 

Be willing to adapt and refine your strategy as needed.

Larry and his content team monitor metrics related to social engagement around their healthcare thought leadership posts. He also gauges the effectiveness of his efforts through the number of podcast appearances, published articles, and annual speaking engagements. 

For more in-depth info on thought leadership strategy, check out our article: Thought Leadership Strategy: 14 Steps to Balancing Authority and Authenticity (+ Examples)

6 Healthcare Thought Leadership Trends 2024

The healthcare industry is dynamic and subject to continuous change. Healthcare thought leaders must adapt to evolving trends to remain relevant and influential. 

Here are some of the current healthcare thought leadership trends:

1. Telemedicine and Digital Health

Telemedicine and digital health technologies have surged in importance, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thought leaders in healthcare are actively exploring the potential of telehealth, wearables, and remote monitoring to improve patient care and accessibility.

Neurologist and CEO of Telespecialists, Nima Mowzoon, is an outspoken advocate for telehealth services and how they can specifically help stroke patients receive quality care.

2. Health Equity and Inclusion

Addressing health disparities and ensuring equitable access to care has become a prominent issue. Healthcare thought leadership efforts in this space aim to raise awareness about disparities and champion policies and practices that promote inclusivity.

Dr. Camara Jones, a physician and epidemiologist, is renowned for her work on health equity and the “Cliff of Good Health.” Her TED talk on this subject has garnered millions of views.

3. Value-Based Care

The healthcare industry is shifting towards a value-based care model, focusing on the quality and outcomes of care rather than the volume of services provided. Healthcare thought leadership activities are developing new strategies and care models to support this shift.

Dr. Patrick Conway, the former Deputy Administrator for Innovation and Quality at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), has championed value-based care transformation.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have made significant inroads into healthcare. Healthcare thought leaders are exploring how these technologies can enhance diagnostics, treatment, and patient outcomes.

Renowned AI researcher and founder of multiple AI companies, Dr. Andrew Ng, is actively promoting the intersection of AI and healthcare and educating audiences to drive innovation in the field.

5. Patient-Centered Care

Patients are increasingly taking an active role in their healthcare decisions. Healthcare thought leadership advocates for a patient-centered approach that involves patients in their care plans and decisions.

Dr. Angela Coulter, an expert in patient engagement, has been instrumental in promoting patient-centered care practices.

6. Data Security and Privacy

With the increasing digitization of healthcare records and information, data security and privacy are paramount. Healthcare thought leaders work to establish best practices and regulations to protect patient data.

Psychiatrist and advocate for patient privacy, Deborah Peel, founded Patient Privacy Rights, an organization dedicated to protecting patient privacy rights.

To learn more about trends in thought leadership, check out our article: 6 Thought Leadership Topics Trending in 2024 [Ideas + Examples]

Thought Leadership in Nursing

Nursing plays a pivotal role in the healthcare ecosystem, and nursing thought leadership is an important part of healthcare thought leadership. 

Nursing thought leaders are individuals who drive positive change, advocate for better patient care, and contribute to the evolution of the nursing profession.

Characteristics of Nursing Thought Leadership

  • Advocacy: Nursing thought leaders advocate for nursing practice and patient care. They champion policies and practices that prioritize the well-being of patients.
  • Innovation: These leaders actively seek innovative solutions to improve nursing practice, patient outcomes, and healthcare systems.
  • Education: Nursing thought leaders often educate and mentor other nurses, sharing their knowledge and experience to elevate the profession.
  • Collaboration: They work closely with other healthcare professionals to foster collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork.
  • Visibility: Nursing thought leaders may be visible in the media, at conferences, or within nursing organizations, promoting the nursing profession and advocating for change.

Examples of Thought Leaders in Nursing

1. Dr. Patricia Benner

A well-known nursing theorist, Dr. Benner’s work on the Novice to Expert theory has been instrumental in shaping nursing education and practice. 

She has written nine books and was awarded the 15th Helen Nahm Research Lecture Award from the University of California at San Francisco School of Nursing.

2. Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick 

A prolific author and editor, Dr. Fitzpatrick has contributed significantly to nursing literature and nursing theory development. Her major theoretical contribution to nursing, the Life Perspective Rhythm Model, centers human development around four major areas of developmental rhythms: 

  • Person 
  • Health
  • Wellness-Illness
  • Metaparadigm  

She also founded and heads the Bolton’s World Health Collaborating Center for Nursing — an organization that helps establish nursing education and care centers internationally.

3. Dr. Linda Aiken

As a nurse and healthcare researcher, Dr. Aiken’s studies on nursing staffing and patient outcomes continue to influence healthcare policy and practice. She has drawn direct correlations between patients’ post-surgery mortality rates and nurses’ workloads. 

Her work has also revealed that involving nurses in the decision-making process is beneficial to patient outcomes

She is an expert in health services and policy research, receiving every major award in her field. She states the focus of her research is to “determine how the organizational context of healthcare can be modified to promote improved patient outcomes.”

These amazing nursing thought leaders and their healthcare thought leadership efforts continue to influence and improve nursing and healthcare practices.

Styles of Healthcare Thought Leadership

Thought leadership in healthcare can take the form of various styles, depending on the approach and goals of the individual or organization. 

Here are some thought leadership styles commonly observed in healthcare:

1. Academic Thought Leadership

This style of healthcare thought leadership is characterized by in-depth research, data analysis, and publication in academic journals. Academic thought leaders often focus on advancing knowledge and theory within their field.

Dr. Jeffrey Flier is an endocrinologist, former dean of Harvard School of Medicine, and authoritative voice on the molecular causes of diabetes and obesity. His healthcare thought leadership efforts have led to valuable insights on chronic diseases.

2. Clinical Thought Leadership

Clinical thought leaders are typically practitioners who share their insights and expertise based on their clinical experience. They may develop new clinical practices or advocate for patient-centered care.

Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon and writer, combines clinical experience with eloquent writing to address healthcare challenges. He has written several books and was a writer for The New Yorker before his USAID appointment in 2022.

3. Entrepreneurial Thought Leadership

Entrepreneurial thought leaders are often involved in healthcare startups and innovations. They drive change through business ventures and technology.

Entrepreneurship in healthcare thought leadership comes in the form of gap-filling services, processes, or products. 

Fabien Beckers is the CEO and Co-Founder of Arterys — a medical imaging startup that recently received Oncology AI clearance from the FDA and seeks to revolutionize tumor imaging and identification.

4. Policy and Advocacy Thought Leadership

This style of healthcare thought leadership focuses on influencing healthcare policy and advocating for change in healthcare systems and regulations.

Dr. Don Berwick, the former Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, is a prominent advocate for healthcare quality improvement and policy change. 

He has authored and co-authored six books, over 160 scientific articles, and is featured in several insightful videos on the IHI Open School YouTube channel.

5. Patient-Centered Thought Leadership

This style of healthcare thought leadership revolves around promoting patient rights and improving patient experiences. Healthcare thought leaders in this category often share their personal healthcare journeys.

Dave deBronkart, also known as “e-Patient Dave” advocates for patient engagement and empowerment based on his experience as a cancer patient. He’s a leading, international keynote speaker and activist for patient engagement. 

For other styles of thought leadership in marketing, read our article: Unlocking the Power of Thought Leadership Marketing (Benefits + Best Practices)

Tips for Aspiring Healthcare Thought Leaders

If you aspire to become a thought leader in healthcare, just be like everyone in the examples mentioned throughout this article — OR start with these eight helpful tips to guide your journey toward their level of healthcare thought leadership:

  1. Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about current healthcare trends, policies, and research to remain relevant.
  1. Networking: Build a network of like-minded professionals and thought leaders. Collaboration often leads to innovative solutions and broader impact.
  1. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on producing high-quality content and insights rather than flooding the market with superficial information.
  1. Consistency: Thought leadership is a long-term commitment. Be consistent in your efforts to make a lasting impact.
  1. Authenticity: Stay true to your values and beliefs. Authenticity fosters trust and credibility.
  1. Feedback: Be open to feedback and criticism. It can help you refine your ideas and strategies.
  1. Adapt and Evolve: Healthcare is dynamic; adapt your approach to address emerging challenges and opportunities.
  1. Patient-Centered Approach: If applicable, prioritize a patient-centered approach in your thought leadership, emphasizing the patient’s perspective.

Become a Thought Leader in Healthcare

Thought leadership in healthcare is a dynamic and influential way to contribute to the industry’s growth and evolution. By considering current trends in healthcare thought leadership and developing an effective healthcare thought leadership strategy, you can position yourself or your organization as an influential player in the world of healthcare. 

Nursing thought leadership is also an important part of thought leadership in healthcare. It plays a requisite role in advocating for patients and improving nursing practice. 

Any aspiring healthcare thought leaders can benefit from:  

  • Staying Informed
  • Networking
  • Prioritizing Quality
  • Consistency and Authenticity
  • Feedback and Adaptability
  • A Patient-Centered Focus

By embracing these principles and staying committed to making a positive impact, you can become a beacon of healthcare thought leadership in this ever-evolving and vital industry.

Want to become a healthcare thought leader? Need help getting started? Let us help. Simply book a free consultation and we’ll help you build a healthcare thought leadership strategy.