8 Mobile Marketing Trends to Upgrade Your Strategy in 2024

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Mobile marketing trends are skyrocketing. If you’re not on board, you’re missing out on a whole world of thumb-scrolling, app-tapping potential.

But ensuring your mobile marketing efforts are compatible across various platforms can be challenging. It requires careful consideration of design, functionality, and user experience.

Plus, retaining user interest and engagement can be a challenge in the mobile space. Attention spans are shorter and consumer demands are becoming more specific.

Despite these challenges, smartphones are an integral part of our daily lives. In turn, mobile marketing is a powerful way to reach and engage with customers. 

To help you stay ahead of the curve, we’ve chosen eight mobile marketing trends, insights, and best practices.

Staying updated on these trends is crucial for you to build a strong digital presence and stay competitive. These trends can provide valuable insights and opportunities for reaching and engaging with your target audience. 

They will also help adapt your marketing strategies, optimize user experiences, and capitalize on emerging technologies.

Need to upgrade your mobile marketing and PR strategy right away?

Let us help! Book a free consultation with our PR and marketing experts. We’ll take a look at your strategy to see where you could best benefit from adopting new mobile trends.

Our 8 Mobile Marketing Trends 2024

  • M-Commerce
  • Mobile Streaming
  • Mobile Gaming
  • Video
  • User-Generated Content
  • Voice Search & Voice SEO
  • Augmented Reality
  • Mobile Influencer Marketing

1. M-Commerce is Now Standard for Online Shopping

Move over traditional commerce! M-Commerce is taking over the online shopping world. In fact, the majority of retail website traffic comes from smartphones. This includes purchasing goods and services, banking, and even mobile payments.

M-commerce has evolved as one of the top mobile marketing trends to offer users more convenience, accessibility, and personalized experiences. 

To tap into it, optimize your website and checkout process for mobile devices. Offer mobile-exclusive promotions, and leverage mobile payment options such as Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Here are a few ways in which m-commerce is one of the top mobile marketing trends:

  • Mobile Wallets and Payments: Mobile payment methods, such as digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay) and peer-to-peer payment apps (e.g., Venmo, PayPal), have gained popularity. They provide users with a secure and convenient way to make payments. Plus, they eliminate the need for physical cards or cash.
  • Personalization and Targeted Marketing: M-commerce platforms leverage data analytics and machine learning algorithms. This helps you offer personalized shopping experiences based on user preferences, purchase history, and browsing behavior. 
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs are web applications that provide an app-like user experience on mobile devices. Unlike conventional apps, they don’t require an actual installation. They offer offline accessibility, push notifications, and faster loading times than other types of apps.

2. Mobile Streaming is Here to Stay

With just one swipe, mobile users can transform their smartphones into handheld TV sets. This can be done using various mobile apps or platforms that enable users to share live video or access real-time content. 

Today, more than 23% of mobile users around the world watch live content on social media. While that doesn’t sound like a lot, mobile streaming will continue to grow as one of the top emerging mobile marketing trends as high-speed mobile Internet and improved mobile device capabilities continue to become more available.

How do you get on board now?

Create live streaming content using the video feature on your cell phone and a social platform that allows streaming. You can also partner with mobile streamers relevant to your niche. Be sure to engage with viewers in real-time and answer questions.

Here are a few more reasons why streaming is one of the top mobile marketing trends for 2024:

  • Real-time Engagement: Mobile streaming allows you to engage with your audience in real time. This immediate interaction can build stronger connections with consumers. You can also answer their questions and provide instant feedback.
  • Interactive Marketing: Live streaming enables interactive marketing tactics. These include hosting Q&A sessions, live polls, or giveaways. Interactive elements can boost audience engagement and encourage participation.
  • Trends and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Live streaming can create a sense of urgency and FOMO among viewers. This encourages them to tune in and participate in real-time events or promotions.

3. Mobile Taking Over the Gaming Industry

Mobile users also have a gaming console right in the palms of their hands. Mobile gaming has become the new playground for button mashers. In fact, there are nearly two billion mobile gamers around the world. That number is likely to climb in the coming years.

Want to incorporate gaming into your mobile marketing strategy? 

Consider in-game advertisements, sponsorships, or partnerships with mobile game developers. You can also develop branded games or gamified experiences to engage your audience.

Here are some reasons why mobile gaming is becoming one of the key mobile marketing trends:

  • Low Entry Barrier: Mobile games are typically more affordable or even free to play. This low entry barrier attracts a wide range of gamers who may not be willing to invest in expensive gaming hardware or software.
  • Diverse Game Library: Mobile app stores offer a vast and diverse selection of games. This selection caters to different genres and player preferences. 
  • Social Integration: Many mobile games incorporate social features. This allows players to connect with friends and compete against or cooperate with them. This social aspect enhances engagement and virality.

4. Consumers Still Prefer Video

Let’s face it – attention spans are becoming shorter. Gone are the days of sitting in front of a TV, waiting for your favorite show to air. 

Consumers continue to prefer mobile video, which is why it remains as one of the top mobile marketing trends. In fact, research shows that over 90% of all video views happen on mobile devices. 

Create video content and upload it to platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Ensure videos are mobile-friendly, concise, and visually appealing to capture mobile users’ attention. You can also create long-form videos that discuss specific topics in-depth.

Here are just a few reasons why video continues to be one of the top mobile marketing trends:

  • Convenience and Accessibility: Mobile devices are always within arm’s reach. This allows consumers to access video content quickly and easily. 
  • On-demand Viewing: Mobile video allows consumers to watch content whenever they want. Viewers can choose what to watch and when to watch it with video-on-demand services.
  • Short-form Content: The popularity of short-form video content has grown significantly. You often see it on TikTok and Instagram Reels. This makes it easier to consume content in small, bite-sized chunks.

5. More Focus on User-generated Content

User-generated Content (UGC) isn’t just one of the top mobile marketing trends, it’s a general digital marketing trend that works for social, influencer, and email marketing campaigns as well. 

With UGC, the real stars are the consumers, not the content creators. 

It encourages customers to create and share authentic content about a brand with their mobile devices. That in turn helps build trust, engagement, and community. Additionally, UGC leverages the convenience and accessibility of mobile technology for content creation and sharing.

To best tap into UGC, encourage your audience to create and share content related to your brand. Create branded hashtags and run user-generated content contests to involve your mobile audience.

Here are a few key reasons why it’s one of the most important mobile marketing trends for 2024:

  • Engagement: UGC is highly engaging because it involves real people sharing their experiences and opinions. Mobile users are more likely to interact with and share content created by their peers. This drives higher engagement rates.
  • Cost-effective: Mobilizing your customers to create content is a cost-effective marketing strategy. Instead of producing expensive professional content, you can encourage users to share their experiences.
  • Feedback and Improvement: UGC can provide valuable insights into your products or services. Customers may share feedback and suggestions. This can help you improve your offerings.

Pro Tip: Offer incentives or recognition for users who submit their content and engage with your brand. This will encourage them to participate. Consider the same strategy for encouraging users to leave reviews or star ratings. UGC doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.

Want to see our full list of content marketing trends for 2024? Check it out here: 7 Content Marketing Trends 2024 [+ Tips and Tricks]

6. Voice Search and SEO

Decades ago, only people in sci-fi movies talked to machines. Today, that has become a reality. Mobile users can give their fingers a rest and simply talk into their devices when doing a Google search. 

To keep up with voice search as one of the top mobile marketing trends, many brands are optimizing their website for voice search SEO. This improves visibility and rankings, especially on mobile devices. 

Optimize your website and content for voice search by using conversational keywords. Provide clear and concise answers to common voice queries.

Here’s why voice search and voice SEO are among the top mobile marketing trends:

  • Voice-activated Devices: The adoption of smartphones and smart speakers has made voice search a popular way to access information. Users often turn to their mobile devices to perform voice searches. This creates a new avenue for you to reach your audience.
  • Mobile-first Indexing: Search engines have adopted mobile-first indexing. This means that they prioritize the mobile versions of websites when determining search rankings. Optimizing for voice search aligns with mobile SEO strategies.
  • Convenience and Speed: Voice search is quick and hands-free. This makes it a preferred choice for users while on the go or engaged in other activities. 

Want to find out how to combine PR and SEO for enhanced results for both strategies? Learn more here: PR SEO: Synergy for Success [Tips, Tactics, and Best Practices]

7. Augmented Reality

Since the advent of Augmented Reality (AR), mobile users have never looked at shopping the same. This technology overlays digital information into real-word environments. This digital information includes images, videos, 3D models, and animations

The reason why AR is one of the top mobile marketing trends is because it’s typically viewed through a mobile device’s camera or display. It enhances the user’s perception of reality by adding computer-generated elements to it. 

Try using popular AR apps such as Google Lens, Augment, and Shopify. You can use these to offer virtual try-ons or gamify the consumer experience.

AR has become one of the top mobile marketing trends due to:

  • Engagement and Interactivity: AR offers highly interactive and engaging experiences. This captures the attention and interest of mobile users. Plus, it allows consumers to participate in brand campaigns.
  • Visual Product Demonstrations: AR enables you to showcase products in 3D. This allows you to visualize and interact with consumers in their real-world context. Plus, it helps bridge the gap between online shopping and the in-store experience.
  • Try-before-you-buy: AR can simulate product usage, such as trying on clothing virtually or placing furniture in your home. This “try-before-you-buy” approach reduces the uncertainty associated with online shopping.

8. Mobile Influencer Marketing is a Thing

Today, everyone wants to be an influencer. The good news is that mobile users can be with ease.

So, what exactly is the mobile influencer marketing? 

It’s a subset of influencer marketing that focuses on collaborating with content creators who have a significant presence on mobile platforms. This includes Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat. 

To incorporate influencer marketing into your mobile marketing strategy, create content that resonates with your target audience. You can also collaborate with mobile influencers in your niche to reach a broader audience. Ensure influencers promote your products or services authentically.

Here’s why it’s one of the leading mobile marketing trends:

  • Audience Reach: Mobile influencers have substantial followings on mobile-centric platforms. This allows you to reach a large and engaged audience that predominantly accesses content on smartphones.
  • Native Content: Mobile influencers are skilled at creating content optimized for mobile consumption. This includes short-form videos, Stories, and visually appealing posts.
  • Micro-Influencers: Mobile influencer marketing includes collaborations with micro-influencers. They typically have smaller but highly engaged and niche-specific audiences. These influencers can be cost-effective for brands targeting specific demographics.

Why is mobile marketing on the rise?

The number of mobile devices has skyrocketed globally. This widespread adoption provides marketers with an expansive and accessible audience.

People increasingly rely on their mobile devices for various activities, including: 

  • Internet Browsing
  • Social media Engagement
  • Email Communication
  • Shopping
  • Entertainment
  • Accessing Digital Content

The importance of mobile-friendly and responsive web design has also grown significantly. Brands recognize the need to provide an optimal browsing experience for mobile users. This demand impacts web design and SEO practices.

Plus, social media platforms are primarily accessed via mobile devices. Marketers leverage these platforms for advertising, influencer collaborations, and social engagement. This makes mobile marketing trends central to their strategies.

Curious about what’s trending overall in digital marketing in 2024? Check out our trends list here: 15 Digital Marketing Trends Worth Your Attention in 2024

What is the future of mobile marketing trends?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning currently play a significant role in personalizing mobile marketing efforts. 

AI algorithms analyze vast datasets to deliver hyper-personalized content and product recommendations. It also helps brands provide offers to individual users in real time. 

This technology will continue to play a pivotal role in mobile marketing trends for years to come. 

Additionally, privacy and security will become increasingly important for mobile users. The widespread adoption of mobile devices has led to a significant increase in the amount of personal data stored. 

This includes sensitive financial information, personal photos, and messages. As one of the top future mobile marketing trends, you might want to consider adhering to best practices regarding data privacy and security now.

Key Takeaways on Mobile Marketing Trends

With the rise of mobile marketing trends like M-commerce, AR, video, UGC, and voice search, you’re now able to reach and engage with your customers in new ways. 

M-commerce and AR enable you to deliver convenient and engaging shopping experiences that cater to your customers’ preferences. That in turn helps you foster loyalty and drive sales. While video allows you to capture and hold your customers’ attention.

Just remember, mobile marketing is all about the user. Users want you to meet them where they are with content that is authentic, convenient, and user-friendly. So, as a mobile marketer in 2024, you’ll want to consider leveraging the new mobile marketing trends to see an increase in your overall marketing performance and success. 

Still not sure how to blend mobile marketing trends into your PR marketing mix? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation with us and we will help you spruce up your current strategy.