8 Twitter Marketing Trends to Help Your Brand Stand Out

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Twitter (currently known as “X”) is an excellent social media marketing platform due to its vast, diverse audience and real-time communication. Plus, its concise content format fosters engagement and quick information sharing. 

If you’re using Twitter to market your brand, you can directly interact with customers, track trends, and personalize your messaging.

However, Twitter does present some challenges.

First, if you’re worried about the X rebrand, don’t be. Twitter is retaining users and the platform is still viable in 2024. The challenges marketers face on Twitter are the same as always – e.g., creating concise, compelling content that fits the character limit. 

The biggest challenge is keeping up with changing trends and conversations. Plus, reaching the right audience amidst a vast user base requires precise targeting and effective use of hashtags.

Not to mention the fact that you need to consistently engage with followers to maintain their interest and be effective. That’s all while maintaining a consistent brand voice without sounding overly promotional. 

Maximizing your Twitter marketing efforts requires staying up-to-date with strategies that work.

To make it easier for you, we’ve outlined 8 of the most relevant Twitter marketing trends. We’ve also included examples of each trend and tips for getting started.

Want to add Twitter to your PR and marketing mix? Need a great strategy?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our PR and marketing experts. We’ll take a look at your current mix and see if you could benefit from a robust Twitter strategy.

Twitter Marketing Trends 2024

  • Public Relations
  • Audio Content
  • Live Streaming
  • Social Responsibility
  • User-Generated Content
  • Interactive Content
  • Targeted Advertising
  • Twitter Analytics

1. Twitter is an Ideal Platform for Public Relations

Twitter allows for real-time communication. You can share news, updates, and responses to current events promptly, making PR one of the top Twitter marketing trends.

In crisis situations, Twitter is a valuable tool for quickly disseminating information, addressing concerns, and managing the company’s reputation.

Plus, Twitter provides the opportunity to reach a broad audience with its millions of users worldwide. The platform’s hashtag and trending features can amplify this reach even further.

How can you get started on using Twitter for PR as one of your Twitter marketing trends? 

Ensure your Twitter account consistently mirrors your brand’s personality and values. Develop a content strategy that meets your PR goals. Make it informative, engaging, humorous, or a combination. 

Regularly post valuable content. This can include industry insights, company updates, and relevant news. Use relevant hashtags and engage in appropriate trending topics to boost your tweets’ visibility.

Here is an example of an impactful PR tweet from Cisco:

Pro Tip: Twitter serves as a dynamic two-way communication channel. Actively respond to mentions, answer questions, and participate in conversations in a timely and genuine manner. 

Need to work on an updated PR strategy for 2024? Want to see what’s trending? Then you’ll want to check out our article: 18 Top PR Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

2. Audio Content is On the Rise

Twitter Spaces and other audio content offer real-time, interactive discussions. They often yield deeper engagement than text or images, making them one of the top Twitter marketing trends. 

This format allows participants to ask questions and share insights. The authentic nuances of voice and tone in live audio make the content relatable, which can help you humanize your Twitter presence.

How do you get started with Twitter Spaces as one of your Twitter marketing trends?

Host live audio events on Twitter Spaces to significantly increase brand engagement. Center your audio on topics relevant to your target audience. 

Promote these events with tweets, graphics, and video teasers to generate interest. Encourage audience interaction during sessions for a more valuable experience.

Also, consider collaborating with influencers or industry experts. This can increase your live audio’s audience and credibility. Engage them in interviews, panel discussions, or chats about industry trends. 

Here is an example of audio content from the Cambridge Dictionary:

Pro Tip: Use audio to craft impactful stories about your brand or industry. This allows your brand’s personality to shine, whether it be professional, witty, educational, or inspirational.

Want to take your events offline? Event marketing is back stronger than ever. But what’s trending? Have a look: 8 Innovative Event Marketing Trends, Examples, and Tips

3. Live Streaming is Still Popular on Twitter

Live streaming on Twitter allows users to stay updated on your brand in real time. This makes it one of the leading Twitter marketing trends. Viewers often appreciate this raw, insider view over polished content.

Plus, Twitter’s algorithm often prioritizes live content. This increases its visibility in followers’ feeds. When users join a live stream, it may also appear in their followers’ feeds.

For effective viewership, promote your live stream in advance with engaging tweets, countdowns, and teaser videos. Create a Twitter event or use a specific hashtag for easy discovery and discussion.

Your live stream should deliver valuable, relevant content. This can include exclusive information, behind-the-scenes looks, expert interviews, or Q&A sessions. 

Here is an example of live content from an Emirates FA Cup sporting event:

Pro Tip: Ensure high-quality streaming to avoid technical disruptions. A stable Internet connection, good lighting, and clear audio are a must. Test your setup before going live and consider the best time to broadcast.

Get more ideas on how to use live streaming and other video content with this article: Top 10 Video Marketing Trends for 2024 [+ Tips]

4. Many Twitter Users Prioritize Social Responsibility

Why is social responsibility one of the top Twitter marketing trends? Because informed consumers are deeply conscious of social, environmental, and ethical issues. And they expect brands to recognize and positively contribute to these matters. 

Demonstrating social responsibility on Twitter allows you to align with consumer values and forge stronger connections. This commitment to more than profit fosters trust among consumers who prefer brands that make a positive impact.

Twitter’s dynamic and viral nature makes it an excellent platform for promoting social causes. A socially responsible campaign can quickly go viral. This can boost your visibility and impact. 

Be sure to choose social responsibility initiatives that resonate with your core values and mission. For example, if you’re focusing on sustainability, you should engage in and promote environmental initiatives.

Beyond broadcasting efforts, use Twitter to engage your community in social issues. This involves initiating discussions, seeking audience input, and encouraging participation in fundraisers or campaigns. Just make sure that whatever you’re promoting is genuine and in line with your brand values.

 Want to know what promoting sustainability looks like on Twitter?

Check out this post from MD Anderson Cancer Center

Pro Tip: Provide regular updates on your social responsibility initiatives. Maintain transparency and consistency in messaging. Also, affirm your dedication to ongoing social responsibility, rather than a one-off campaign.

5. Twitter is an Excellent Platform for User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is among the top Twitter marketing trends for a reason. It stands out as more authentic and trustworthy than traditional marketing materials. And it typically garners higher engagement through likes, shares, and comments.

People generally trust consumer opinions more than corporate messaging. UGC offers social proof as real users share their product or service experiences. This helps influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions. 

Plus, for businesses with limited budgets, UGC offers a cost-effective content strategy. It provides a continuous content stream without the expenses of professional marketing materials.

When using UGC, encourage followers to create and share brand-related content. This can be through contests, hashtags, or campaigns. For example, invite customers to post product usage photos with a specific hashtag. 

Show appreciation by responding to, retweeting, and engaging with UGC. Also, curate and share the best UGC on your Twitter feed. Be sure to obtain permission and credit the creators.

Below, you’ll find an example of UGC from Nurika

Pro Tip: Integrate UGC as a regular feature in your content strategy. Blend it with promotional posts, updates, and informational content. This approach ensures a balanced, varied, and engaging Twitter feed.

Want more content marketing examples? Breaking down your regular content into smaller pieces for platforms like Twitter is a great way to reuse content. Learn more about content marketing trends here: 7 Top Content Marketing Trends 2024 [+ Tips and Tricks]

6. You Can Engage Your Target Audience with Interactive Content

Interactive polls and Q&A sessions are among the top Twitter marketing trends because they actively engage users. These tools allow you to directly interact with current and potential followers. It helps create a dialogue rather than a one-way communication. 

Polls provide valuable insights into consumer preferences. This can help guide future marketing strategies and product development. Q&A sessions can humanize your brand and offer a platform for transparency. 

In general, interactive content boosts engagement and increases visibility as followers are more likely to share and comment on interactive posts. In turn, this helps expand your brand’s reach on the platform.

How can you get started on interactive content as one of your Twitter marketing trends?

Try using polls and Q&A sessions to gather instant feedback from your audience. For example, ask for opinions on new product features or content preferences. This will help make your audience feel valued and heard.

Create interactive content around topics that are currently trending or directly relevant to your audience. This approach ensures higher participation rates. Tie these interactive sessions to current events, industry trends, or popular culture to make them more relatable.

Here is an example of what interactive content looks like on Twitter: 

Pro Tip: Use interactive content as a teaser or countdown to build excitement for upcoming events or product launches. For example, run a poll to let your audience guess about new product features. You can also use a Q&A session to answer queries about an upcoming event. 

Want to see more general social media marketing trends for 2024? We’ve got you covered! Check out our article: 9 Top Social Media Marketing Trends Taking the World by Storm

7. You Can Advertise on Twitter to Expand Your Reach

Twitter’s advertising platform offers highly targeted options, allowing you to reach audiences based on location, interests, behaviors, and interactions with specific keywords or hashtags. 

This precision targeting heightens the likelihood of engagement and conversion. It ensures that your ads reach those most interested in your brand’s message.

Plus, the platform presents a variety of ad formats. These typically include promoted tweets, accounts, trends, and immersive options such as Twitter Moments. This diversity enables you to select the format that aligns best with their campaign goals.

Twitter’s ad system also offers multiple bidding options. This makes it cost-effective for small and medium-sized businesses. You can manage your advertising budget efficiently while still achieving a strong return on investment. So, even with a small budget you can get good value.

So, how do you get started on Twitter advertising as one of your Twitter marketing trends?

For effective ad campaigns, clearly define your objectives. Understand your target audience’s interests, behaviors, and demographics. 

Tailor your ads to these insights to enhance campaign relevance and effectiveness. Utilize Twitter’s advanced targeting features such as interest, keyword, and geographic targeting.

Below, you’ll find an advertised post from XDevelopers. This is how advertising typically appears on the platform: 

twitter marketing trends reach example

Pro Tip: Create engaging, visually appealing ad content. Incorporate high-quality images or videos, compelling copy, and clear calls to action. The content should be concise, impactful, and aligned with your brand’s voice.

Not convinced that Twitter is the right social media platform for your business? Then you might want to consider TikTok. Learn more here: 9 Top TikTok Marketing Trends and Tips for 2024

8. You Can Use Twitter Analytics to Refine Your Marketing Strategy

Analytics on Twitter offers valuable insights into content performance, making it one of the top Twitter marketing trends. 

These analytics enable a data-driven strategy that best suits your audience. You can examine engagement rates, retweets, likes, and click-through rates. Then, you can tailor your content to maximize impact on the platform. 

Twitter analytics tools reveal in-depth information about your audience’s demographics, behaviors, and interests. This allows you to understand who your followers are, their peak activity times, and their preferred content.

Use Twitter analytics to track your campaign performance. Use data on reach, engagement, and conversions to fine-tune your marketing strategy moving forward.

Also, identify and monitor KPIs. This can include engagement rate, follower growth, and click-through rate. Set goals that suit your needs and regularly analyze these metrics to find out what content strategies succeed or fail.

Here is a snapshot of what Twitter analytics has to offer: 

twitter marketing trends analytics example

Pro Tip: Analyze different content types, posting times, and audience demographics to fine-tune your strategy. Segmentation ensures your content resonates with various audience segments.

Need more marketing analytics ideas? Check out our article: 8 Marketing Analytics Trends for Supercharging Your Marketing Efforts (+ Examples and Tips)

Key Takeaways on the Latest Twitter Marketing Trends

Twitter (or X) is an excellent platform for reaching a vast, diverse audience in real time. But its features are unique from other social media platforms. To be successful on this platform, you’ll have to understand how to target the right audience precisely and keep them engaged.

Unlike other social media platforms such as Facebook, long and drawn-out text posts won’t fly on Twitter. Your content should be concise, innovative, and compelling. That includes the use of video and audio. 

Your success on Twitter starts with learning which strategies are emerging on the platform. You should also understand which marketing strategies have stood the test of time. We hope that these eight Twitter marketing trends, examples, and tips provide some guidance.

Need help integrating your social media strategy with your marketing and PR efforts? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation and we will help you integrate all your strategies.