Top 10 Video Marketing Trends for 2024 [+ Tips]

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

With attention spans becoming increasingly shorter, content that leaves little to the imagination reigns supreme. That content is video! It’s no secret that videos are more engaging and memorable than other forms of content. 

Since the rise of social media and mobile devices, video marketing has become more important than ever. Without it, you could find yourself struggling to keep up with the competition. 

That’s because the Internet is flooded with videos from various brands and creators. 

Creating an up-to-date and effective video marketing strategy involves cutting through the noise.  You’ll need to create unique, compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Plus, you’ll need to adapt your video content to fit each platform’s specifications. 

Knowing where to start can be challenging and time-consuming.

The good news is that tuning into the 2024 video marketing trends can help you overcome your brand’s challenges. Below, we’ve outlined 10 strategies and technologies that can take your video marketing efforts to a new level.

Read on to find out which ones are right for your brand.

Don’t have the time, resources, or patience to create video content?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our marketing and PR experts. We’ll guide you through how to get started with video content for your marketing and PR strategies.

10 Video Marketing Trends 2024

  • Video Public Relations 
  • Live Streaming 
  • Short-Form Video 
  • User-Generated Video Content 
  • Educational Videos 
  • Video Advertising 
  • 360-Degree Videos 
  • Interactive Videos

1. Video Public Relations

Forget about boring press releases and static images. Video can bring your brand story to life, which is what makes it one of the top video marketing trends for 2024.

A public relations (PR) video is a powerful tool for you to effectively communicate your message to the public. It aims to shape public perception, build brand reputation, and establish credibility. 

PR videos can be used to introduce a company, highlight its products or services, share success stories, address controversies, or showcase corporate social responsibility efforts. 

To include video into your PR strategy, develop content that highlights your brand’s achievements and milestones. You can also share interviews with experts in your field and develop a video series.

Here’s why it’s one of the top video marketing trends: 

  • Improved Brand Credibility and Authority: Videos can serve as a powerful tool to position your brand as an industry expert. You can establish authority with valuable insights, thought leadership content, and behind-the-scenes footage.
  • Enhanced Storytelling: Video allows you to tell your brand’s story in a dynamic and captivating way. It enables you to convey emotions and connect with your target audience on a deeper level.
  • Increased Reach and Engagement: Videos are more likely to be shared and go viral than other types of content. By leveraging video in your PR efforts, you can extend your reach and generate more views.

Pro Tip: To create an effective PR video, start by clearly defining your message and target audience. Craft a compelling and concise script that highlights the key benefits or story you want to convey. Finally, ensure your video is visually captivating.

Want to learn more about creating PR content? Check out our guide: PR Writing – Crafting Convincing PR Content for Enhanced Results [+7 Examples]

2. Live Streaming

One of the most significant video marketing trends is live streaming. Approximately 23.7% of mobile phone users watch live streaming on social media.

This is the real-time broadcasting of audio or video content over the Internet. It allows you to share live events, performances, presentations, or other forms of multimedia. They can include live chats, seminars, personal vlogs, and even concerts.

Try using live streaming to engage with your audience in real-time, answering questions and addressing concerns. You can also build anticipation by announcing live streams in advance. 

Here’s why live streaming is one of the most important video marketing trends for 2024: 

  • Instant Interaction with Your Audience: One of the key benefits of live streaming is the instant interaction it offers. You can receive real-time comments, questions, and feedback from their audience. This allows for a dynamic and interactive conversation.
  • Increased Brand Transparency and Authenticity: By showcasing behind-the-scenes moments, product launches, or live events, you can give your audience a glimpse into your world. This helps foster trust and builds a deeper connection.
  • Harnessing the Power of FOMO: Live content creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity. This encourages viewers to actively engage and participate in the moment.

3. Short-Form Video

Short-form videos have become increasingly popular as one of the top video marketing trends. It caters to the fast-paced nature of today’s world. In fact, 85% of markets consider it an effective format.

These snackable pieces of content are ideal for mobile consumption and social media platforms. They allow you to capture attention quickly and encourage shareability.

When creating short-form video, focus on quick storytelling, humor, or showcasing a product’s key features. Be sure to optimize your videos for TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

Here’s what makes short-form video one of the top 2024 video marketing trends: 

  • Capturing Attention in a Fast-paced World: Consumers have shrinking attention spans and an abundance of content to choose from. Brands are turning to short-form videos to deliver their message quickly and effectively. 
  • Ideal for Mobile Consumption and Social Media: Short-form video is suitable for mobile consumption and social media platforms. These include platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.
  • Encouraging Shareability and Viral Potential: The concise nature of short-form videos makes them highly shareable across various social media platforms. The more compelling the video is, the more likely viewers will share it.

4. User-Generated Video Content

User-generated video content empowers your community by allowing them to become active participants in your brand story. By fostering a sense of belonging and engagement, user-generated videos enhance credibility through authentic testimonials.

Want to include user-generated content in your video marketing strategy? Encourage your followers to create and share videos related to your brand. You can also share and celebrate user-generated videos on your channels and create contests and challenges.

What makes user-generated video content one of the leading video marketing trends? Here are a few reasons: 

  • Sense of Belonging and Engagement: Customers are more likely to develop brand loyalty and become brand ambassadors when they feel a sense of involvement. UGC showcases real-life experiences and testimonials.
  • Authentic Testimonials: Consumers crave authenticity and genuine experiences. User-generated videos allow customers to become advocates and creators of content.
  • User Creativity and Diverse Perspectives: Customers from different backgrounds and demographics can contribute their unique experiences. This provides a more comprehensive view of your brand. Plus, it broadens your reach.

5. Educational Videos

Today, consumers can ditch the textbooks and embrace educational videos. This is one of the top video marketing trends for providing valuable knowledge and expertise to your audience. 

You can use it to position yourself as an expert in your field. Additionally, these videos can improve customer retention and loyalty by addressing their pain points.

To create educational videos, make sure you cover topics that you have expertise in. Address common pain points or frequently asked questions through video content.

Here are a few reasons why educational videos are among the top video marketing trends: 

  • Providing Valuable Knowledge and Expertise: This can be a tutorial on how to use your product, a demonstration of a specific skill, or a deep dive into industry trends. Educational videos can also help your audience gain a better understanding of your products or services.
  • Establishing Your Brand as a Thought Leader: When you share your expertise and provide valuable insights, you showcase your brand’s knowledge and authority. This can help build trust and loyalty among your audience. They may see you as a reliable source of information.
  • Customer Retention and Loyalty: You empower your customers to make the most out of your products or services by offering ongoing training and educational resources. This enhances their overall experience and increases their likelihood of staying loyal to your brand.

Want to know what it takes to be a thought leader in 2024? Check out our article: Thought Leadership Strategy: 14 Steps to Balancing Authority and Authenticity (+ Examples)

6. Video Advertising

Video advertising has the power to captivate and convert viewers into customers. It uses targeted messaging, storytelling, and emotional appeal.

Video ads can also be displayed on various digital platforms such as websites, social media, and streaming services.

To create video ads, make them compelling, concise, and relevant to your target audience. Target your ads to reach specific demographics or user segments.

Here are a few reasons why video advertising is one of the key video marketing trends:

  • Targeted Messaging: Understanding your audience’s preferences, demographics, and interests can help you create tailored video ads. This personalized approach increases the chances of capturing your audience’s attention.
  • Harnessing Storytelling and Emotions: Video advertising taps into storytelling and emotions. They can evoke strong emotions through compelling narratives, visuals, and music.
  • Measurable ROI Through Analytics and Tracking: Measuring the ROI of video advertising is also more accessible than ever before. Analytics and tracking tools provide valuable insights into the performance of your video ads. This allows you to assess their effectiveness and make data-driven decisions. 

7. 360-Degree Videos

Not all videos involve flat screens and static views. 360-degree videos offer immersive experiences that transport viewers into virtual environments. 

These interactive videos enhance product demonstrations and virtual tours. They enable your audience to explore and engage with your brand in a unique way. 

Try using 360-degree videos for immersive experiences. These can be virtual tours of your physical locations or products. Allow viewers to interact by panning and exploring the video. Also, highlight any unique features that your followers should know about.

Here’s why 360-degree videos are emerging as one of the top video marketing trends: 

  • Providing Interactive and Immersive Brand Experiences: 360-degree videos provide viewers with an immersive and interactive experience. This allows them to explore a scene from every angle. 
  • Enhancing Product Demonstrations and Virtual Tours: 360-degree video allows viewers to feel like they are physically present in the environment. It can showcase a stunning location, a behind-the-scenes look at product development, or a virtual tour of a store.
  • Differentiating Your Brand from Competitors: 360-degree videos can enhance product demonstrations. Plus, it can provide a more realistic and interactive representation of your products and services.

8. Interactive Videos

Interactive videos take viewer engagement to the next level by encouraging active participation and decision-making. Personalizing the user experience creates deeper connections and boosts overall engagement. 

As viewers spend more time interacting with your content, you can build a stronger relationship with your audience and increase the chances of conversion.

Create interactive elements within your videos, such as clickable links, quizzes, or polls. For YouTube, you can use YouTube Cards to insert clickable links to external websites or related videos. You can also create interactive video content with HapYak, WIREWAX and similar tools.

Want to know why interactive video is one of the leading video marketing trends? Here are a few reasons: 

  • Encouraging Active Participation: Interactive video can encourage active participation and decision-making. You can incorporate quizzes, polls, and clickable hotspots to prompt viewers to engage with your content. This not only keeps them engaged but also allows you to gather valuable data and insights. 
  • Personalizing the User Experience: Personalization allows you to create a customized experience that resonates with each individual. This personalized approach enhances the user experience. Plus, it makes your video content more relevant and meaningful.
  • Boosting Engagement: Engagement is a key metric for success in any marketing campaign, which interactive videos excel. You can increase viewers’ time spent with your content by inviting them to participate.

9. Augmented Reality (AR)

AR is an emerging technology that blends the digital world with the real world. It also enhances users’ perception and interaction with the environment. 

Unlike virtual reality, which creates an entirely immersive experience, AR overlays digital elements onto the real world in real time. This is typically achieved through smartphone apps, smart glasses, or other wearable devices.

Here’s what makes AR one of the most important video marketing trends: 

  • Immersive Experiences: AR allows you to create immersive experiences that blend the real and virtual worlds. It can captivate viewers and make them active participants. It also provides a unique way to showcase products, services, or brand stories.
  • Interactive Product Demonstrations: AR enables you to demonstrate products virtually. This allows potential customers to experience them in real time and in their own environments. Plus, it enhances the understanding of product features, functionality, and benefits. 
  • Enhanced Storytelling: AR adds an extra layer of storytelling to video marketing campaigns. Marketers can create narratives by integrating virtual elements into real-world scenarios. This provides viewers with a richer and more memorable experience.

10. Virtual Events

In today’s remote-first world, many people prefer to attend events from the comfort of their homes. In fact, one survey found that over 93% of virtual event hosts saw successful attendance rates. 

Virtual events use video technology to stream live presentations, webinars, conferences, and workshops. 

There are many reasons why they have become one of the top B2B video marketing trends. That includes: 

  • Wider Reach: Virtual events break the barriers of geographical limitations. They allow you to connect with a global audience. They can be streamed and accessed from anywhere. This can increase your brand visibility and generate more leads.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Hosting physical events can be costly. The cost of venue rentals and travel expenses can add up. Virtual events are a cost-effective alternative. They eliminate the need for physical spaces and reduce logistical expenses. 
  • Enhanced Engagement: Virtual events include interactive features such as live Q&A sessions, virtual networking, and chat functionalities. These features allow you to foster meaningful interactions with participants.

Have an event coming up soon that you want to announce? Then you might want to consider issuing an event press release: How to Write a Press Release for an Event [+ Examples]

Key Takeaways on Video Marketing Trends

The power of video marketing can’t be underestimated. New technologies and strategies, such as interactive videos and 360-degree video, can captivate your audience and boost engagement. 

But the digital landscape and consumer demands are constantly evolving. Keeping up-to-date on the latest video marketing trends allows you to explore different platforms and formats. Embracing these technologies can help you reach a broader audience and expand your brand’s visibility.

Plus, these trends can enable you to deliver personalized video experiences tailored to individual viewers. You can create meaningful connections through dynamic content and adaptive storytelling. 

Still not sure how to adopt these new video marketing trends?  Let us help! Simply book a free consultation with us and we will look at ways to help you spruce up your current strategy.