8 Marketing Technology Trends That Can Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Marketing technology is a dynamic duo of creativity and data. It powers your digital marketing campaigns, unlike most other strategies. 

If you’re not having much luck with traditional digital marketing resources, you may be wondering how to make the transition to the latest marketing technology. 

New tools and platforms emerge regularly, making it challenging for marketers to keep up. Plus, marketing technology relies on data. Maintaining data accuracy, consistency, and cleanliness is an ongoing challenge.

Adopting the latest marketing technology trends allows you to reach your audience more effectively and efficiently than competitors who lag behind. It enables you to leverage tools and platforms that provide more personalized and engaging experiences for your customers.

We’ve compiled 8 of the best marketing technology trends, so you don’t have to scour the Internet for them. Read on to learn how to supercharge with marketing efforts. 

Want to know what marketing tech will work best with your current mix?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our PR and marketing experts. We will take a look at your current mix and see where you could best benefit from a tech upgrade.

Our 8 Top Marketing Technology Trends 2024

  • PR Analytics Tools
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Omnichannel Marketing Technology
  • Optimizing for Voice Search Technologies
  • Extended Reality 
  • Business Intelligence
  • Use of Chatbots
  • Consumer Privacy Protection

1. Adopting PR Analytics Tools

Without a touch of statistical magic, your public relations (PR) efforts will have little impact. There’s a reason why PR analytics is among the latest marketing technology trends. Using PR analytics technology allows you to gather data and metrics to measure the effectiveness of your PR campaigns. 

The tech allows you to track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge how well you’re managing your reputation and public image. These KPIs include media coverage, social media engagement, website traffic, and sentiment analysis. 

Interpreting these data points can help you make informed decisions and adjustments to your PR strategies.

Before diving into PR analytics, establish clear PR objectives and KPIs you want to track. PR analytics should be an ongoing process, not just a one-time assessment. 

Stay updated on media coverage, social media mentions, and sentiment trends. This can help you quickly identify emerging issues or opportunities and adjust your strategy accordingly. Some PR tools that can help you track KPIs include Google Analytics and Brandwatch

Here are a few reasons why PR analytics is one of the leading marketing technology trends: 

  • More Informed PR Decisions: When you track KPIs, you can make more informed PR decisions. This includes better content optimization and resource allocation.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) Measurement: PR analytics allows you to quantify your ROI. You can analyze lead generation, website traffic, and conversion rates attributed to PR activities.
  • Competitive Analysis: Analytics help you monitor and compare your brand’s media presence against competitors. This information can help you identify market trends and differentiate your offerings.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to benchmark your PR performance against competitors. Analyze their media presence, messaging, and sentiment. Identify gaps and areas where you can outshine them. Leveraging insights from competitive analysis can help you fine-tune your PR strategies.

For more information on how to use PR analytics, see our comprehensive guide: 7 Step Guide to PR Analytics: Unveiling Insights for Strategy Enhancement

2. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever thought about letting machines work for you? Artificial intelligence (AI) can help turn your insights into influence. It can also streamline your marketing efforts. 

The great news is that AI is being built into more marketing technology than ever before. Tools that you’ve probably used before, like Grammerly or MailChimp, already leverage AI for automation and personalization purposes.

But why is it one of the most relevant marketing technology trends? 

AI is the future. Already about 88% of marketers believe their organizations must use AI more often to stay competitive and meet consumer expectations. 

Try leveraging AI technology that allows you to analyze data and extract valuable insights. 

If you’re writing content for your website and marketing channels, you can use AI tools to streamline the process. Chat GPT and Surfer SEO are excellent tools for creating and optimizing your content. 

Here are a few reasons why AI is one of the top marketing technology trends of 2024:

  • Enhanced Personalization: AI enables you to analyze vast amounts of data and customer behavior. This helps you create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Efficient Automation: AI streamlines marketing operations through automation. This reduces tedium and human errors. Plus, it allows you to allocate your time and resources more strategically.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI-driven predictive analytics can forecast future market trends, customer behavior, and sales patterns. This enables you to proactively adjust your marketing strategies.

Pro Tip: AI may help streamline many tasks, but it’s not foolproof. Using it requires some human attention. For example, AI-generated content can produce inaccurate and outdated information. Always fact-check it before posting it on your website or marketing channels.

Primarily interested in marketing automation? We’ve got you covered! Check out our list of marketing automation trends: 10 Emerging Marketing Automation Trends for 2024 

3. Using Omnichannel Marketing Technology

Are you looking for a way to juggle social media, email, and in-store experiences at the same time? Omnichannel marketing tech connects the dots between your online and offline channels. 

In fact, most consumers today expect an omnichannel experience from brands, making the use of omnichannel tech one of the best marketing technology trends.

To get started with omnichannel marketing technology, you’ll need a customer data platform. This will help you consolidate customer information from various touchpoints. 

Plus, you’ll need seamless integration between channels. This includes synchronizing inventory, customer profiles, and communication across online and offline channels.

Here’s why omnichannel marketing is one of the leading marketing technology trends: 

  • Seamless Customer Experience: Omnichannel marketing ensures that consumers receive a consistent experience across various channels. This includes social media, email, websites, and even physical locations. Consumers can engage with your brand in a way that suits their preferences and needs.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Omnichannel marketing enables you to engage with customers through multiple touchpoints. This multichannel approach allows for more frequent and meaningful interactions. 
  • Data-driven Insights: Using omnichannel marketing technology allows you to collect data from multiple touchpoints. That provides you with a holistic view of customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to gain valuable insights into customer journeys. That’s what makes it one of the best marketing technology trends.

Pro Tip: Maintain a consistent brand image and messaging across all channels. Whenever  a customer interacts with your brand, they should experience a cohesive brand identity.

4. Optimizing for Voice Search Technologies

With voice search optimization, you could be ahead of the curve, while your competition is still stuck in the silent era of traditional SEO.

Have you wondered what makes voice search optimization one of the leading marketing technology trends? Today, about 32% of people ages 18 to 64 use Alexa, Siri, and other audio search mediums. 

To make voice search optimization part of your strategy, focus on natural language keywords. Optimize your content for natural language and conversational keywords.  

Also, consider the questions your target audience might ask when seeking information related to your products or services, and craft your content to provide direct answers.

Want to know why voice search optimization is one of the leading digital marketing technology trends? Here are a few reasons to consider: 

  • Rise in Voice-activated Devices: The proliferation of voice-activated devices has made voice search more accessible for consumers. As the technology becomes more integrated into daily life, you can tailor your marketing to tap into this growing user base.
  • Changing Search Behavior: Voice search changes the way people search for information online. It tends to be more conversational, question-based, and long-tail in nature. Optimizing for voice search helps your content stay fresh and relevant. 
  • Enhanced User Experience: Voice search isn’t just about keywords, it’s about delivering a better user experience. It can boost user engagement and trust in your brand.

Pro Tip: Many voice searches are location-based, such as “near me” queries. Ensure that your business listings are accurate and up-to-date on Google My Business. This helps increase the chances of your business appearing in local voice search results.

Another way to stay ahead of the SEO curve is to blend your PR and SEO strategies. Learn more here: PR SEO: Synergy for Success [Tips, Tactics, and Best Practices]

5. Tapping into Extended Reality

If you’re looking to blur the lines between the digital and physical world, adopting extended reality (XR) is one of the best marketing technology trends to consider. 

XR is an umbrella term for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). 

Want to make XR a part of your marketing technology strategy? Consider exploring tools such as Unity, Amazon Sumerian, and Microsoft HoloLens. Allow customers to interact with your products or services in a virtual or augmented environment.

Also, consider using XR to educate your customers. For example, you can create virtual training programs that help customers better understand your products or services. 

These are the primary reasons why XR is one of the top marketing technology trends for 2024:

  • Interactive User Engagement: XR technologies allow you to create immersive brand experiences. Consumers can use AR apps or VR simulations to interactively engage with products or services.
  • Personalized Product Visualization: XR can enable customers to visualize products in their real-world environment, making it one of the most relevant marketing technology trends. This is particularly beneficial for retail and e-commerce.
  • Data-driven Insights: XR technologies can collect valuable data on customer interactions and behaviors within virtual environments. You can analyze this data to gain insights into customer preferences.

Pro Tip: Create engaging and memorable brand stories using XR. Craft interactive narratives that transport customers into your brand’s world, whether it’s through augmented reality installations, virtual tours, or immersive storytelling experiences.

6. Unlocking Business Intelligence

With business intelligence technology, the numbers don’t just talk. They unlock hidden insights and reveal secrets that can take your marketing to a new level. 

Today, brands are leveraging business intelligence tech to improve marketing strategies and execution. 

Get started with business intelligence by exploring programs such as Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and QlikSense. Segment your audience based on various attributes, such as demographics, behavior, and preferences.

Also, continuously monitor marketing campaign performance. Identify which channels, messages, and strategies deliver the best results and allocate resources accordingly.

Here are a few reasons why business intelligence remains one of the best marketing technology trends:

  • Data-driven Decision-making: You can gather and analyze vast amounts of data from various sources. This includes customer behavior, market trends, and campaign performance. These insights allow you to make informed decisions and tailor your strategies.
  • Customer Personalization: Using business intelligence technology allows you to get insights for creating personalized marketing campaigns. This helps you deliver relevant content and targeted offers.
  • Performance Monitoring and Optimization: Business intelligence tech provides you with real-time dashboards and reports. These allow you to monitor the performance of your campaigns and initiatives. You can identify what’s working and what’s not.

Pro Tip: Use predictive analytics within BI to forecast future market trends and customer behavior. Leverage this information to guide product development and inventory management.

Are you in the B2B space? Looking to spruce up your marketing strategy? Check out these B2B marketing trends: 9 B2B Marketing Trends to Follow for Success in 2024

7. Use of Chatbots

Chatbots are similar to people. But instead of gossip, they provide algorithmic responses.

A growing number of brands and organizations are using chatbots for a reason. They’re like having a tireless and all-knowing employee who never takes a coffee break. Do keep in mind that the best use of chatbots is to answer frequently asked questions.

Chatbots should reduce customer service bottlenecks, not replace your customer service team. If used correctly, your customer service representatives should have the time to handle more complex and difficult customer queries that require a human touch.

To best use chatbots, select a tool that allows you to provide personalized experiences. Tailor responses by using customer data. Also, address users by their names and offer product or content suggestions.

Incorporate analytics tools to track user interactions and engagement metrics. Also, A/B test different chatbot messages, flows, or call-to-action prompts to optimize the chatbot’s performance.

Here’s what makes chatbots one of the leading digital marketing technology trends:

  • 24/7 Customer Engagement: Chatbots provide round-the-clock customer support and engagement. This means that customers can get answers to repetitive and frequent queries at any time.
  • Efficient Lead Generation: Chatbots can assist in lead generation by collecting information from website visitors. They can also qualify leads by asking relevant questions and directing potential customers to the appropriate sales or marketing channels.
  • Personalized Customer Experiences: Chatbots can be programmed to provide personalized recommendations and content based on users’ behavior. This increases the chances of conversions and cross-selling or upselling opportunities.

Pro Tip: Select tools that have advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) solutions. NLP enables your chatbot to understand and respond to user queries in a conversational, human-like manner. It also helps in handling variations in user input effectively.

8. Considering Consumer Privacy Protection First

Trust is one of the most important aspects of implementing these marketing technology trends. Consumers want to know that you have their back when it comes to data privacy.

About 33% of Internet users in the United States are fully aware of the nation’s data protection and privacy regulations. Another 33% change their passwords often to protect their data.

Be crystal clear about how your marketing technology solutions collect, store, and use customer data. Create easily accessible privacy policies that explain your data practices in plain language. Gain consent from customers before collecting their data, and allow them to opt-out at any time.

Consider investing in cybersecurity measures to protect customer data. Regularly update and patch software. Also, use encryption for sensitive information and restrict data access to a need-to-know basis.

Here are some reasons why consumer privacy protection is one of the most important marketing technology trends:

  • Trust and Reputation Building: Implementing technology with privacy protection measures in mind demonstrates your commitment to respecting and safeguarding customers’ personal information. This reassures consumers that you handle their data responsibly.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Adhering to privacy regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA, helps you remain legally compliant. This minimizes the risk of fines and legal actions.
  • Data Quality and Relevance: Ensuring that you have explicit consent from consumers enables you to collect accurate and relevant information. This leads to more effective targeting.

Pro Tip: Collect only the data that is necessary for your marketing efforts. Avoid hoarding unnecessary information. The less data you collect, the less there is to protect.

Key Takeaways on the Latest Marketing Technology Trends

Leveraging marketing technology gives you the potential to create compelling digital marketing campaigns that stand out amongst your competitors. It allows you to connect with your audience more effectively and provide personalized experiences.

While marketing technology offers tremendous opportunities, it also comes with challenges. That includes the rapid emergence of new tools and the need for clean data.

Marketing technology is not just a trend. It’s a fundamental aspect of modern marketing. Embracing these marketing technology trends strategically can transform your marketing efforts and set you on the path to success.

Not sure how to start implementing these marketing technology trends? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation to get expert insight into what tech will best suit your current strategy.