8 Marketing Analytics Trends for Supercharging Your Marketing Efforts (+ Examples and Tips)

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Marketing analytics involves measuring, managing, and analyzing marketing performance. 

Brands today use it to maximize their marketing effectiveness and optimize ROI. 

But effective marketing analytics comes with a slew of challenges. 

In recent years, marketing channels have diversified. This has made integrating data from various platforms and tools a complex task.

Plus, we’ve seen rapid shifts in consumer behavior. This requires marketers to continuously adapt and update their analytical models.

Additionally, the changing landscape of marketing analytics requires marketers to ensure the accuracy and quality of data. Poor data often leads to misguided insights and decisions.

To maximize your marketing analytics efforts, you’ll need to become increasingly tech-savvy. There’s a growing need for advanced analytical tools such as AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics.

Also, getting accurate data is only half the battle. You have to know how to use that data to refine your marketing efforts. 

The best way to accomplish this is to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing analytics trends. Below, you’ll find 8 of the most relevant ones for 2024. Plus, you’ll find examples, tool suggestions, and pro tips.

Not sure how to best set up marketing analytics for your campaigns?

We can help. Book a free consultation with one of our PR and marketing experts. We’ll take a look at your current campaigns, help you set goals, and get you set up with robust analytics.

Marketing Analytics Trends 2024

  • Marketing Analytics for PR
  • Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation in Multichannel Marketing
  • Growing Importance of CRM
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Voice and Conversational Analytics
  • Video Marketing Analytics

1. Marketing Analytics Can Strengthen Your PR Efforts

Why is marketing analytics for public relations (PR) one of the top marketing analytics trends? Because analytics is crucial for successful PR. It helps you understand and optimize one of your most important marketing strategies. 

See, when you leverage data-driven insights, you can tailor your messaging and campaigns to better resonate with your target audience. 

Here’re some examples of PR metrics you can track with analytics tools: 

  • Media Coverage
  • Competitor Coverage
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Social Media Engagement
  • Audience Demographics
  • Journalist Demographics

This type of data helps you identify trends, measure the impact of PR activities, and guide your decision-making process. 

Additionally, analytics can uncover influential media outlets and key opinion leaders. This helps facilitate more effective media relations.

To use analytics for PR as one of your marketing analytics trends, integrate data from various sources. This can include:

  • Social Media Analytics
  • Web Traffic (Google Analytics) 
  • Media Coverage
  • Audience Surveys
  • Journalist/ Email Response Rates 

Use your data to analyze engagement trends with both journalists and your audience, as well as understand which types of content generate the most engagement.

Also, consider using sentiment analysis tools to get insights that can help with reputation management. Identify shifts in public opinion and use that information to address potential issues. Also, use this data to tailor your messaging to change negative perceptions. 

Intelligent Relations’ Preston platform is a great place to track many of your key PR metrics, including your interactions with journalists: 

marketing analytics trends pr example

Pro Tip: The best way to measure PR success is to set a few crucial PR metrics or KPIs. That can look like: Get 40% share of voice within 6 months. OR Increase referral traffic by 1K from earned media sources. Remember to set goals that are achievable but ambitious.  

Think your PR strategy could use an upgrade for 2024? Then you’ll want to check out our article for new PR ideas: 18 Top PR Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

2. More Brands Are Streamlining Analytics with Artificial Intelligence

AI’s strength lies in its ability to process vast amounts of data, making it one of the top marketing analytics trends. More companies today are using AI for a variety of purposes, including data collection.

Data collected from AI can uncover patterns and insights that might not be visible otherwise. For example, AI can analyze social media trends in real-time and track customer behavior on your website. It can correlate these insights to forecast future market trends or customer preferences.

AI can also automate routine tasks, such as ad placements and email marketing. This automation makes data-driven decisions at a scale and speed unattainable by humans. This helps you save time and optimize your marketing efforts. 

Utilize AI to aggregate and analyze data from diverse sources. This can include social media, website analytics, customer databases, and market research. 

Use AI to segment your audience more accurately and tailor your marketing efforts. Leverage AI algorithms to identify nuanced customer segments based on their behavior, preferences, and interactions with your brand. This enables highly personalized marketing tactics.

Pecan is one of the most popular AI analytics tools. Below, you’ll find an example of how it works:

marketing analytics trends ai example

Pro Tip: Implement AI-driven predictive analytics to forecast future trends, customer behaviors, and market dynamics. Analyze historical data and current trends to help predict the outcome of marketing strategies, customer responses to new products, or shifts in market conditions.

Want to learn more about how AI works in marketing? See our article: 8 AI Marketing Trends for 2024 and Beyond (+ Tips & Ideas)

3. Automation is Key for Managing Data from Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing brings in a slew of data from various sources. With so much data, it can be difficult to manually analyze and manage it. That’s why automation for multichannel marketing data is one of the key marketing analytics trends for 2024.

Automation significantly reduces the time and manpower required to collect data from multichannel campaigns. This efficiency allows you to focus on more strategic tasks rather than getting bogged down in operational details.

Using automation is also a great way to reduce human error when collecting and analyzing data. Plus, automation systems can easily scale to handle increased data volume from more channels.

Before using automation tools, define and establish key performance indicators (KPIs). You can configure automation systems to focus on these KPIs, so it provides the right insights.

To effectively automate multi-channel marketing data collection and analysis, it’s crucial to have a centralized system in place. This integration allows for a unified view of the customer across all channels. 

Zoho is one of the top multichannel automation tools. Here is an example of what it can do:

marketing analytics trends automation example

Pro Tip: Regularly monitor the performance of your automated data collection and analysis processes. Use the insights gained to optimize your marketing strategies.

4. There’s a Growing Importance of CRM in Customer Personalization

For 73% of consumers, the customer experience is a key purchasing factor. This highlights the need for personalization. One way to deliver that is by using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.

CRM systems aggregate diverse customer data points into a centralized platform. This makes them one of the leading marketing analytics trends.

Additionally, CRMs offer powerful analytics tools that transform raw data into actionable insights. These insights inform marketing strategies, campaign optimizations, and customer relationship improvements.

One such tool is customer segmentation. This feature can segment customers based on demographics, purchase history, interaction history, and preferences. 

Use the CRM segmentation feature to tailor your marketing messages. For example, you can create different email marketing campaigns for different segments. This ensures that each group receives relevant and targeted content.

Utilize the data in your CRM to set up behavior-triggered marketing actions. For example, if a customer abandons their shopping cart, your CRM can trigger an automated email to remind them of their incomplete purchase. 

Salesforce is one of the top CRM platforms on the market. Here is an example of what it looks like:

marketing analytics trends crm example

Pro Tip: For a seamless marketing automation process, integrate your CRM system with other marketing tools. This can include email marketing platforms, social media management tools, or other analytics software.

5. Real-Time Analytics Allows Brands to Quickly Access Marketing Data

Real-time data analytics is revolutionizing the way we do marketing. It’s one of the top marketing analytics trends because it allows you to formulate forward-looking strategies. 

Real-time analytics allows marketers to see how campaigns are performing the moment they go live. Instead of relying on outdated data, you can make decisions based on current trends and consumer behaviors.

Plus, you can use real-time analytics to stay up-to-date on rapidly changing market trends. This allows you to quickly adapt your strategies and stay ahead of competitors.

Before delving into real-time data, define what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts. Choose KPIs that align with your objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase engagement, focus on metrics like page views, time on site, and social media interactions.

Use real-time data to personalize content for your audience dynamically. As you gather real-time information, adjust the content your audience sees accordingly. This can be done on your website, social media channels, or in email marketing.

Google Cloud Dataflow is a top real-time analytics tool. Below, you’ll find an example of how it works: 

marketing analytics trends analytics example

Pro Tip: Use real-time analytics to monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns as they happen. Make immediate adjustments when necessary. This can include tweaking ad copy or shifting budget allocations.

6. Analytics Can Help You Refine Your Social Media Strategy

Social media platforms boast billions of users worldwide, offering a massive audience for your brand. Plus these platforms generate a variety of data, making them one of the top marketing analytics trends. 

Social media data typically includes likes, shares, comments, demographics, and behavioral information. This data is important for understanding your followers’ preferences.

Social media provides instant feedback on campaigns, product launches, and brand sentiment. This allows you to gauge your social media success in real-time.

Use social listening tools to track mentions of your brand across social platforms. Analyze the sentiment behind these mentions to gauge public perception.

Beyond brand mentions, track relevant keywords and hashtags. This will help you stay informed about broader industry conversations and emerging trends.

Sprout Social is one of the most widely used social media management programs. It comes with an analytics feature, which helps you track your social media efforts with ease. Here is an example:

marketing analytics trends social media example

Pro Tip: Keep an eye on your competitors’ social media performance as well. Analyze their engagement rates, content strategy, and audience growth for insights.

To learn about more trends and tips regarding social media, check out our article: 9 Top Social Media Marketing Trends Taking the World by Storm

7. Analytics is Becoming Increasingly Useful for Voice Searches and Chatbots

In recent years, there has been an increased use of voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri. 

As a result, voice searches and commands have become more common, placing their analytics as one of the top marketing analytics trends. 

Conversational analytics provide a wealth of data that needs analysis beyond a text-based level. These include the tone, sentiment, and context of customers’ interactions.

This data offers deeper insights into customer emotions and behaviors. These insights can help inform marketing strategies and product development.

How can you get started on voice search analysis as one of your marketing analytics trends?

Start by implementing AI chatbots and voice assistants that learn from each interaction with customers. Out of the gate, you offer more personalized and relevant customer service responses over time.

Next, analyze how customers interact with your voice assistants or chatbots. Use these insights to refine the conversational experience yourself, making it more intuitive and effective.

For example, IBM’s watsonx Assistant is a popular assistant program for brands. It comes with an analytics feature that allows you to view unique users, conversations, and more insights. 

Here’s what it looks like: 

marketing analytics trends chatbots example

Pro Tip: AI chatbots and voice assistants can also cut down on customer service bottlenecks, improving your customer experience metrics. That’s because chatbots can answer routine customer questions, freeing up your customer service team to answer complex questions.

8. Video Marketing Analytics Can Help You Improve Your Video Content

A growing number of Internet users prefer video over other forms of content. However, there’s so much content to choose from. How do you know if your video content is competitive?   

Video marketing analytics is one of the top marketing analytics trends because it enables you to measure the impact of your video content. 

Metrics you’ll want to analyze: 

  • Viewer Count
  • Engagement Levels
  • Subsequent Actions Taken

These metrics should give you insight into viewer behavior and help you optimize your video content for higher engagement rates and effectiveness.

Advanced video marketing analytics include analyzing watch time and drop-off points. This allows you to identify elements that resonate with your audience. In turn, this can lead to more personalized and impactful video marketing strategies. 

Plus, understanding who watches your videos is crucial. Analyze demographic data to tailor your video content more effectively. This includes age, gender, location, and device usage.

It’s also important to understand how to use analytics for short-form video vs. long-form video. For short-form video, focus on immediate metrics such as view count, likes, and shares. For long-form videos, focus on total watch time.

Here is an example of what video analytics look like on YouTube: 

marketing analytics trends youtube example

Pro Tip: Monitor how your videos contribute to your marketing goals. This can include generating leads, sales, or website traffic. Also, track click-through rates from video to your website and conversion rates.

Need some ideas to improve your video marketing efforts? See our article: Top 10 Video Marketing Trends for 2024 [+ Tips]

Key Takeaways on the Latest Marketing Analytics Trends

In this day and age, you can’t have a successful marketing plan without analytics. The data you collect serves as the backbone of your marketing efforts. It helps guide content, personalization, social media marketing, and the customer experience. 

Technology plays an important role in marketing analytics trends. For example, AI automates the data collection processes and saves you time. Plus, you can gather marketing data in real-time from a variety of channels. 

Knowing what to do with analytics technology and data is just as important as leveraging them. Use the data you collect to improve your marketing strategies and overall online presence. The data will let you know if your efforts are paying off or if you need to take a different approach.

Need help getting started on analytics for your PR and marketing efforts? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation with one of our experts and we will help you set up robust analytics.