9 Top Social Media Marketing Trends Taking the World by Storm

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Social media marketing is a lot like fishing. You cast your line into the digital ocean, hoping that your target audience takes the bait. 

If you’re still relying on outdated social media strategies, you might get a few nibbles, but you won’t reel in the target audience you’re aiming for. 

Social media platforms are constantly evolving. They’re always introducing new features and algorithms that can drastically impact your marketing efforts.

That’s why it’s critical to stay in the loop about the latest social media marketing trends. You can ensure that your brand stays relevant and in tune with your target audience’s preferences.

You can also identify new opportunities and adopt innovative strategies. This can help you differentiate yourself from competitors who may be lagging behind. 

Plus, you can adapt your strategies to emerging algorithms. This impacts how your content is displayed, prioritized, and discovered.

Below, you’ll find 9 current social media marketing trends. Find out which ones are right for your brand and take the next step to maximize your visibility and audience engagement. 

Need to boost your social media marketing efforts now?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our marketing and PR experts. We’ll take a look at your strategy and see where it could benefit from new social media marketing trends.

Top Social Media Marketing Trends 2024

  • Social Media Remains a Go-To for Public Relations (PR)
  • Engagement and Community Matters More Than Ever
  • E-Commerce Turns to Social Media
  • Social Search Overtakes Search Engines
  • Micro-Influencers Reign Supreme
  • Short-Form Video is the Preferred Social Media Content
  • Humor and Relatability Help You Stand Out
  • Content Differentiation Across Platforms
  • User-Generated Content Takes Center Stage

1. Social Media Remains a Go-To for Public Relations (PR)

Are you looking to build a positive reputation for your brand? Social media platforms are the perfect place to make waves and gain consumer trust. That’s why social media PR is one of the top social media marketing trends for 2024. 

Social media PR is all about creating and enhancing your public image. It uses a variety of channels to engage, inform, and influence public perception. 

To use social media for your PR efforts, share press releases, company news, and updates on your channels. Also, highlight any positive media coverage and try building relationships with industry journalists and influencers. 

Here are a few reasons why PR has become one of the leading social media marketing trends:

  • Enhances Brand Visibility: Social media platforms have become powerful tools for brand exposure. You can use them to reach a wider audience and increase your brand visibility. Social media is perfect for sharing press releases, organizing online events, and engaging with influencers. 
  • Direct Communication with Your Audience: Social media allows for direct and real-time audience communication. You can use social media platforms to engage with customers. You can also respond to inquiries and address concerns promptly. 
  • Amplifies Storytelling and Content Distribution: Social media provides a unique opportunity to share compelling stories and distribute content. You can create engaging narratives, publish thought leadership articles, and distribute other relevant content.

Pro Tip: To create PR for social media, start by identifying your goals and target audience. Then, craft a compelling message that resonates with them. When distributing your message on social media, take the time to engage with your audience. You can do this through interactive content and timely responses.

For more advice on how to use social media for PR, see our guide: Social Media PR – 6 Easy Ways to Connect with Your Target Audience

2. Engagement and Community Matters More Than Ever

Want to reach your target audience on social media? Simply sharing content and hoping for the best won’t cut it anymore. 

Engagement and community building matters when marketing your brand on social media. It goes beyond simply gaining followers and likes. It’s key to building a genuine connection with your audience and fostering brand loyalty.

Be sure to respond promptly to comments, messages, and mentions. You can also create and moderate social media groups related to your niche. 

So, why is engagement one of the most important 2024 social media marketing trends? Here are a few things to consider: 

  • Builds Brand Loyalty: Fostering engagement allows you to create a following of customers who are more likely to trust and support your brand. You can actively engage your followers by responding to comments, addressing concerns, and sharing valuable content. 
  • Boosts Brand Awareness and Reach: When your audience engages with your social media channel, it amplifies your brand’s visibility. Each like, comment, and share has the potential to reach a broader audience. This can encourage organic word-of-mouth marketing, which is highly influential in expanding your reach.
  • Gather Valuable Insights and Feedback: Engaged followers are more likely to provide feedback. They may also share their experiences and offer suggestions. Monitoring and participating in conversations on social media allows you to gather valuable insights about your target audience. This feedback can inform your marketing strategies moving forward.

3. E-Commerce Turns to Social Media

Social media is becoming the go-to platform for online shopping. Today, 29% of online purchases are made directly on social media platforms. While that seems like a small percent, the current trajectory shows that number will likely rise in the coming years.  

However, social media users face some concerns regarding e-commerce. The legitimacy of brands and data privacy are just a couple of them. 

But despite these concerns, e-commerce is one of the top social media marketing trends due to: 

  • Convenience: People are shopping on social media platforms because of the convenience it offers. With just a few clicks, users can browse through product catalogs, compare prices, and make purchases. They don’t have to leave the social media app they’re already using. 
  • Personalized Recommendations: Social media platforms are known for their sophisticated algorithms. They can tailor content to individual interests and preferences. This includes product recommendations based on users’ browsing history, likes, and interactions.
  • Social Proof and Influencer Marketing: Social media users can share their experiences and opinions on products. This user-generated content, such as reviews, ratings, and photos, serves as social proof, influencing others’ purchasing decisions. 

Pro Tip: Try integrating e-commerce features into your social media channels. Consider running limited-time offers, flash sales, and exclusive discounts for your followers. Just keep in mind that you should also be providing safe and secure payment options and data protection.

4. Social Search Overtakes Search Engines

Social search has rapidly gained popularity as one of the top social media marketing trends in 2024. It offers a new way to discover brands and information compared to traditional search engines. 

Rather than rely on algorithms, social search bases its results on your likes, shares, comments, and personal connections. 

You can best tap into social search by optimizing your profiles with relevant keywords and hashtags. Use location tags and geo-targeting for local search visibility.

Here are three key reasons why social search is one of the top emerging social media marketing trends:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Social search allows users to discover recommendations and suggestions from their friends, family, and peers. This personalized approach ensures that users receive more relevant and trustworthy search results.
  • Real-time Updates: Social media platforms are constantly evolving and updating. Social search taps into this real-time aspect. Users can stay up to date with the latest trends, news, and discussions happening within their social networks. 
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Social search promotes active engagement and interaction among users. It encourages users to participate in the conversation and share their own insights and experiences. 

It’s still important to promote your brand through SEO, especially your PR efforts. Want to learn how? Read here: PR SEO: Synergy for Success [Tips, Tactics, and Best Practices]

5. Micro-Influencers Reign Supreme

Step aside, celebrities! There’s a new trendsetter in town. It’s called the micro-influencer. 

Micro-influencers have a smaller, yet highly engaged, social media following. They tend to focus on specific niches where they can provide expertise. 

Many brands are partnering with micro-influencers due to their higher engagement rates. Plus, it’s a cost-effective option compared to macro-influencers. 

Try collaborating with micro-influencers who have a smaller but highly engaged following. Ensure the influencers’ values align with your brand’s mission.

Micro-influencers are among the top social media marketing trends because of their:

  • Authenticity: Micro-influencers have a smaller, niche following. Their authentic and genuine content resonates with their audience. This makes micro-influencing an effective marketing tool for connecting with specific target markets.
  • Higher Engagement Rates: With a smaller following, micro-influencers can foster higher engagement rates. Their followers tend to be more active and loyal. This leads to increased interactions, comments, and shares on sponsored content. 
  • Niche Expertise: Micro-influencers are often experts or enthusiasts within a specific niche or industry. Their knowledge and passion make them credible sources of information. They’re able to tap into their expertise to promote products and services effectively. 

Want a full list of influencer marketing trends for 2024? We’ve got you covered! Check it out: 9 Top Influencer Marketing Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

6. Short-Form Video is the Preferred Social Media Content

Short-form videos are bite-sized video content that typically lasts from a few seconds to more than one minute. It’s designed to capture viewers’ attention quickly and is often found on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube. 

According to 85% of online marketers, short-form video is an effective way to reach consumers. 

When creating short-form videos, keep them concise, attention-grabbing, and within the platform’s time limit. You can use high-end video production tools, but this isn’t always necessary. You can simply use your cell phone or laptop to create short videos.

Here are a few more reasons why it’s one of the top social media marketing trends: 

  • Captures Attention with Brevity: In an era of information overload, short-form videos capture attention quickly. You can deliver quick, engaging content that can be consumed easily in a minute or less.
  • Easy and Accessible Content Creation: Short-form videos are relatively easy to create and share. With the advancements in smartphone technology, anyone can become a content creator. You can simply record a short video, add some creative edits or filters, and share it instantly.
  • Viral Potential and Shareability: Short-form videos are known for going viral and generating widespread attention. Viewers can quickly consume and pass them along to their friends and followers. The bite-sized content often sparks curiosity, humor, or emotion.

Want a full list of video marketing trends for 2024? We’ve got you covered there too! Check it out: Top 10 Video Marketing Trends for 2024 [+ Tips]

7. Humor and Relatability Help You Stand Out

Sharing humorous and relatable content on social media is a powerful way to connect with your audience. 

Try injecting humor into your content when appropriate for your brand’s tone. Share memes, jokes, or stories that resonate with your target audience.

Why do humorous and relatable content remain one of the leading social media marketing trends? Here are a few key reasons:

  • Emotional Connection: Humor and relatability can create an emotional connection with social media users. When people encounter content that makes them laugh or feel understood, they are more likely to engage with it. This can foster a sense of community and loyalty among followers.
  • Viral Potential: Humorous and relatable content often has a higher chance of going viral. People love to share content that resonates with them. As more people engage with and share the content, it gains momentum. 
  • Memorable Branding: Incorporating humor and relatability into social media content can make your brand more memorable. Entertaining and relatable content stands out among other types of content. 

8. Content Differentiation Across Platforms

Content differentiation involves tailoring and adapting your content to suit the unique characteristics and user preferences of each platform. 

Sharing the same content across multiple social media platforms is no longer effective marketing. It’s important to create content specifically for each social media channel.

Be sure to tailor your content to suit each platform, while maintaining a consistent brand voice. Repurpose content creatively for different platforms, such as turning blog posts into infographics or videos. Also, remember to check algorithm updates for each platform periodically.

Here’s why this is one of the most important social media marketing trends:

  • Platform-specific Audiences: Each social media platform has its own unique user base and demographic. What works on one platform may not work on another. Tailoring your content to suit each platform is crucial for maximizing engagement and reach.
  • Formatting and Presentation: Different social media platforms have varying formatting options and limitations. For example, Twitter (X) has a character limit, Instagram is image-centric, and LinkedIn focuses on professional content. Sharing the same post across all platforms may result in distorted or poorly presented content. 
  • Algorithmic Differences: Social media platforms employ complex algorithms. These determine the visibility and reach of your posts. They take into account engagement, relevance, and recency. Customizing your posts for each platform increases the chances of gaining visibility and attracting user interactions.

9. User-Generated Content Takes Center Stage

User-generated content (UGC) on social media is any form of content that is created and shared by users. This can include posts, photos, videos, or reviews.

UGC showcases authentic experiences and opinions. It’s a great way to tap into word-of-mouth marketing.

Encourage your followers to share their experiences with your brand. Consider offering shoutouts and other incentives to followers who share their experiences. You can also create branded hashtags to gather UGC and showcase it on your social media profiles. 

Here are a few reasons why UGC is one of the leading social media marketing trends:

  • Authenticity: UGC provides a level of authenticity that traditional marketing often lacks. When users share their experiences, opinions, and recommendations, it carries more weight with other users. Plus, UGC allows you to tap into customer testimonials.
  • Engagement and Community Building: UGC is a great way to engage with your audience and foster a sense of community. You can invite your followers to share their opinions and experiences. This interaction strengthens the relationship between your brand and your customers.
  • Cost-effective and Scalable: Generating original content can be time-consuming and expensive. UGC, on the other hand, is free or relatively low-cost. It relies on users voluntarily creating and sharing content. You can tap into a vast pool of UGC on social media platforms and scale your content marketing efforts without significant investments.

Want to see a full list of content marketing trends for 2024? UGC isn’t the only thing that’s taking center stage. Learn more here: 7 Top Content Marketing Trends 2024 [+ Tips and Tricks]

Key Takeaways on Social Media Marketing Trends

Social media is constantly evolving. We often see new platforms, features, and trends emerge regularly. If you’re looking to upgrade your social media marketing efforts, you must be proactive and invest your time in continuous learning. Follow these social media marketing trends to keep yourself informed and ahead of the curve.

Just keep in mind that it’s also important to  analyze your social media performance to identify patterns and trends. Pay attention to engagement rates, reach, and audience demographics. If you’re not getting the reach and engagement you’re hoping for, consider adapting your strategy. Stay agile and be willing to experiment and iterate to better meet consumer demands.

And our last little bit of advice? Keep a close eye on your competitors and industry leaders. What social media strategies are they using? Have they adopted the social media marketing trends outlined in this article? This analysis can inspire you to develop unique, innovative ideas and stay competitive. However, remember to always maintain your brand identity and voice when drawing inspiration from others.

Not sure how to adapt your current strategy to include new social media marketing trends? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation to get expert insight into how to improve.