10 Top CPG Marketing Trends and Tips (+ Examples)

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

CPG marketing is where creativity meets the products that stock the shelves in retail and grocery stores. It’s an effective strategy for convincing consumers to buy the products that pique their interest. 

Successful CPG marketing requires ongoing insight. It also requires the willingness to adapt to emerging challenges.

Consumer preferences are evolving. They’re driven by health consciousness, sustainability, and the desire for personalization. Plus, the rise of e-commerce and the DTC model has disrupted traditional retail channels for CPG products.

You must keep up with these changing CPG marketing trends and adapt your marketing strategies. This requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior and the ability to pivot to meet new demands.

You also need to establish a strong online presence and create seamless shopping experiences. Plus, it helps to extract actionable insights from consumer data.

If you’re new to CPG marketing, or are a little behind the curve, knowing where to start can seem overwhelming. 

That’s why we have compiled ten of the best CPG marketing trends for 2024. Read on to learn how to make these trends part of your strategy.

Not sure how to tackle these trends for your CPG brand?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our marketing and PR experts. We’ll take a look at your current marketing and PR strategy to see where it could use an upgrade.

Our Top CPG Marketing Trends for 2024

  • Public Relations
  • Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Packaging
  • Limited-Release Drops
  • DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) Models
  • Interactive Content and Personalization
  • Experiential Retail
  • Use of Delivery Apps
  • Influencer Collaborations
  • Multi-Channel Marketing
  • Live Streaming

1. Leveraging Public Relations for Brand Storytelling

Public relations (PR) is among the most indispensable CPG marketing trends. It’s the art of crafting your brand’s story. 

Effective PR enables you to convey your brand’s values and product excellence. Plus, PR is an effective way to establish trust and credibility. You can foster a positive reputation by being transparent about your mission and ethical standards.

So, how do you do it?

Authenticity takes center stage in PR. You can build it by creating engaging brand narratives that harmonize with your values. You should disseminate these narratives through various channels. That includes media pitches, social media, and your website.

Additionally, you should cultivate long-term relationships with media outlets and journalists that align with the CPG industry. These connections can help you get coverage and expand your brand’s visibility. 

Just remember, pitching isn’t about sending press releases or selling. It’s about telling relevant, timely stories that people care about and want to hear.

Want to see how CPG brands are adopting PR as one of their top CPG marketing trends?

The example below from CPG company P&G demonstrates how transparency can help build positive PR:

cpg marketing trends storytelling example

Pro Tip: To bolster your PR strategy, prepare for potential crises. Identify conceivable risks, plan response strategies, and choose a crisis communication team. Having a crisis management plan in place before something bad happens helps you clean up PR messes fast.

To learn how to implement an effective PR strategy, read our comprehensive guide: How to Write an Effective PR Plan [Tips + Examples]

2. Promoting Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Packaging

Consumers are more conscious of sustainability and environmental concerns than ever before. 

And they’re paying attention to things like eco-friendly packaging, responsible sourcing, and transparent sustainability efforts. 

That’s why promoting sustainability is one of the top CPG marketing trends for 2024.

Commitment to sustainability enhances your brand’s reputation and attracts socially responsible consumers. Plus, brands seen as environmentally friendly and conscious can differentiate themselves in the market.

Want to make your customers (and Mother Nature) proud? Be transparent about your sustainability initiatives in your marketing and PR materials. 

Communicate your commitment to eco-friendly practices. Convey how you integrate these efforts into your packaging and supply chain.

Just remember, when it comes to environmental sustainability, actions speak louder than words. 

Don’t just tell; show your commitment to sustainability by obtaining certificates. Organizations such as Fair Trade USA, ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and Green Seal issue sustainability certifications, giving businesses a transparent stamp of approval. 

Want to see what other brands are doing to market their sustainability initiatives?

The example below from P&G demonstrates what social responsibility looks like: 

cpg marketing trends social responsibility example

Pro Tip: The best way to adopt this as one of your top CPG marketing trends is to create educational content. This can include blogs, videos, and infographics. Your content should raise environmental impact awareness and showcase your brand’s dedication to sustainability.

Want to see what else is trending in the land of content marketing for 2024? Check out our article: 7 Top Content Marketing Trends 2024 [+ Tips and Tricks]

3. Limited-Release Drops

When the customer panic sets in, that’s the magic of limited-release drops. They create a sense of exclusivity and urgency. This encourages customers to make immediate purchases. 

Limited-release drops also help you manage supply chain issues by aligning customer expectations with product availability.

Customers who buy limited-release products often feel a stronger sense of brand connection. This strategy can help maintain and grow a dedicated customer base.

To make limited-release drops one of your CPG marketing trends, generate anticipation. 

Use social media, email marketing, and teaser videos to build excitement among your audience. You can also create a countdown to the release date to heighten anticipation.

Also, reward loyal customers with exclusive early access to limited releases. This encourages early purchases and word-of-mouth marketing.

Here is an example of what a limited-release drop looks like in CPG marketing:

cpg marketing trends limited release drop example

Pro Tip: Leverage the scarcity principle to drive sales. Highlight the limited quantity of the product, creating a fear of missing out (FOMO). Use persuasive messaging that emphasizes the exclusivity and uniqueness of the limited-release items.

4. DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) Models

Forget middlemen. In the CPG world, DTC is your golden ticket to connect directly with consumers. It helps you gain more control over your product distribution and collect valuable consumer data. 

In fact, the e-commerce industry in the U.S. alone has reached $128 from DTC. 

Plus, DTC allows you to build more personalized and lasting customer relationships. You can gather feedback, offer tailored recommendations, and address customer concerns.

There are many ways to leverage DTC as one of your CPG marketing trends. One is analyzing consumer behavior, preferences, and purchase patterns. Use this data to refine your product offerings, marketing strategies, and personalized recommendations.

If implementing subscription services, continuously optimize the DTC model. Consider offering customization options, flexible delivery schedules, and incentives for subscribers. Regularly solicit feedback to enhance the subscription experience.

This video provides valuable examples of how DTC works:

Pro Tip: Provide exceptional customer support through DTC channels. Promptly address inquiries, concerns, and returns. Excellent customer service can lead to positive reviews, referrals, and repeat business. If you’re experiencing bottlenecks, consider using chatbots.

5. Interactive Content and Personalization

Creating personalized, interactive content makes your CPG marketing efforts appear tailor-made. All you need is data. About 97% of marketers use customer data for personalization.

Why is personalized, interactive content one of the top CPG marketing trends for 2024?

Personalization fosters a sense of uniqueness and relevancy. Customers are more likely to remain loyal to brands that provide tailored experiences.

Additionally, when consumers receive product recommendations and messages that align with their preferences, they are more likely to make a purchase.

Try engaging consumers to voluntarily share information through interactive content. This helps you gain valuable insights for personalization. You don’t have to rely on third-party data sources.

Quizzes, polls, and surveys have become valuable tools. They collect zero-party from consumers. You can use these insights to personalize your marketing efforts. Plus, they help you engage with customers.

Also, segment your audience based on their preferences and behavior. Craft personalized marketing messages that speak directly to each segment.

One notable tool you can use to create interactive content is Quiz Maker. Below, you’ll find an example of what it looks like:

cpg marketing trends personalized content example

Pro Tip: Continuously refine your interactive content by conducting A/B tests. Use these tests to assess the effectiveness of different elements. Experiment with variations in quizzes, product recommendations, and personalized content to optimize results.

6. Experiential Retail

Remember the last time you went shopping and it felt like an adventure? That’s the magic of experiential retail and why it’s one of the top CPG marketing trends. 

In fact, 40% of brands plan on using experiential retail within the next year. 

Experiential retail is making a comeback as consumers seek in-store experiences. This includes workshops, pop-up shops, and classes. You can engage customers by creating unique and interactive offline experiences. These help foster a deeper connection with consumers.

Exceptional in-store experiences often lead to word-of-mouth marketing. Satisfied customers share their experiences with friends and on social media. This helps create organic buzz around your CPG brand and attract new customers.

To leverage experiential retail, consider interactive displays, live demonstrations, and sensory elements. 

Also, host events, workshops, or product launches in your physical store. These events provide opportunities for direct interaction, education, and entertainment. Not to mention the fact that they enhance the shopping experience.

Below, you’ll find an example of how experiential retail works from Adidas:

Pro Tip: Try integrating digital technologies, such as AR or VR experiences, within your physical store. These technologies can enhance interactivity and offer unique, technology-driven experiences to customers.

Want a full list of marketing technology trends for 2024? We’ve got you covered: 8 Marketing Technology Trends That Can Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts

7. Use of Delivery Apps

You may wonder why delivery apps are one of the most innovative digital CPG marketing trends.

For starters, they create the promise of instant gratification, no matter where your customers are. Plus, these apps are becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

Plus, delivery apps offer access to a broad user base. They present you with the opportunity to expand your reach. 

Delivery apps also help you gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and geographical distribution. This information informs marketing strategies and product offerings.

How do you get started?

Be sure to present your products accurately and attractively on delivery apps. 

Use high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing. These tactics help make your products stand out.

Also, collaborate with delivery apps to feature promotions, discounts, or exclusive deals. These offers can incentivize customers to choose your products over competitors.

Shipt is an example of a delivery app you can use for your CPG marketing efforts:

cpg marketing trends delivery apps example

Pro Tip: Actively manage customer feedback and ratings on delivery apps. Address customer concerns and acknowledge positive reviews promptly. This can improve your brand’s reputation and encourage trust.

8. Influencer Collaborations

You can think of social influencers as your trend-setting friends who endorse your products. 

Yes, you can build trust by seeking endorsements from industry experts and professionals. 

But working with micro-influencers is another great option. That’s because they make up nearly half of all influencers

Why are influencer collaborations one of the top CPG marketing trends in 2024?

Collaborating with influencers who align with your brand can enhance authenticity and trust. Influencers can vouch for the quality and appeal of CPG products. This helps build credibility among their followers.

Influencers also have dedicated followings. Partnering with them can expand your CPG brand’s reach. Plus, their endorsements can introduce products to new, engaged audiences.

Not to mention, Influencer collaborations generate engagement and social proof. Positive reviews, unboxing videos, and influencer-generated content can drive consumer interest.

To make this one of your CPG marketing trends, select influencers whose values align with your brand. Establish clear contractual agreements with influencers. Also, outline expectations, compensation, content guidelines, and disclosure requirements.

The video below can give you an idea of how influencer marketing is used in the CPG industry:

Pro Tip: Define key performance indicators for influencer collaborations. Track the impact on sales, website traffic, social engagement, and brand sentiment. Assess the return on investment to determine the effectiveness of your influencer partnership.

Want a full list of influencer marketing trends for 2024? We’ve got you covered there too! Check it out: 9 Top Influencer Marketing Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

9. Multi-Channel Marketing

Being everywhere at once in CPG marketing isn’t science fiction; it’s multi-channel marketing.

Multi-channel marketing is one of the most vital CPG marketing trends. It allows you to provide consistent messaging and personalized experiences across multiple channels, while increasing your overall reach.

Plus, you can adapt your marketing strategies to fit the preferences and behaviors of consumers on different channels. This ensures relevance and effectiveness in diverse marketing environments.

How do you get started on multi-channel marketing as one of your CPG marketing trends?

You’ll need to tailor your content to suit each of your marketing channels’ unique audiences and characteristics. What works on social media may differ from what works in email marketing.

Also, maintain consistent branding elements across all marketing channels. This can include logos, colors, and messaging.

Here is a snapshot from Shopify of what multi-channel marketing looks like:

cpg marketing trends multichannel marketing example

Pro Tip: Cross-promote your marketing channels. For example, encourage social media followers to subscribe to your email newsletter, and vice versa. This can expand your audience.

Having a robust digital marketing strategy is an easy way to jump on multi-channel marketing. Learn more here: 15 Digital Marketing Trends Worth Your Attention in 2024

10. Live Streaming

Why is live streaming one of the most important CPG marketing trends? 

It’s like a front-row seat to your brand’s live performance. About 23.7% of global social media users watch live streaming.

Here, you can engage with your audience, answer questions, and showcase your products

Live streaming fosters a sense of community and belonging. Viewers often engage with one another and with the brand. This helps you form a loyal fan base.

You can use live streaming to launch new products and educate consumers about their features and benefits. This live interaction can boost product awareness and sales.

When live streaming, encourage real-time engagement and interact with viewers. Responding to comments and questions is an effective way to do this.

Before going live, prepare your content, equipment, and setting. Ensure a high-quality stream with good lighting, clear audio, and a well-organized presentation.

The video below offers examples of how live streaming is often used in the CPG industry: 

Pro Tip: Continue engagement after your live streams. You can do this by repurposing the content, creating highlights, and sharing behind-the-scenes content. This extends the life of the live stream and maximizes its impact.

Video is the king of content. Live streaming is just one way to tap into video marketing trends. Find out more ways here: Top 10 Video Marketing Trends for 2024 [+ Tips]

Key Takeaways on the Latest CPG Marketing Trends

Successful CPG marketing isn’t a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing journey. With ever-evolving consumer preferences, staying updated on the latest CPG marketing trends is crucial. You’ll also need to adapt your marketing strategies to these trends to stay competitive.

It’s important to build and enhance your online presence and the online shopping experience to keep the customers coming back. But remember, your offline presence is just as important. Enhance the customer experience in your brick-and-mortar locations as well.

By doubling down on these CPG marketing trends across a diversified range of channels, you can increase sales, brand awareness, and overall success. 

Still not sure how to add these trends to your current PR and marketing mix? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation to get expert insight into where you could use a boost.