9 Leading Healthcare Marketing Trends Impacting the Industry in 2024

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Healthcare marketing presents several unique challenges due to the industry’s highly regulated and sensitive nature. Plus, the abundance of healthcare information available online means standing out is challenging. 

Not to mention that healthcare is a dynamic industry with evolving patient needs, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. 

So, how can you keep your marketing fresh and relevant in 2024?

Adopting some of the latest healthcare marketing trends will help you address these shifts and tailor your strategies to provide more relevant and impactful solutions to patients and providers.

Plus, it will help you remain competitive and maintain a strong online presence, allowing you to continue to attract and engage your target audience.

Staying informed also allows you to leverage emerging technologies and tools, such as telehealth and automation. These help improve patient experiences and streamline operations.

The rapidly evolving healthcare landscape demands adaptability and a forward-thinking approach.

So, to help keep you in the loop, we’ve outlined 9 of the top healthcare marketing trends for 2024. Read on to learn how to implement these trends into your existing marketing strategy. 

Don’t have time to revise your current marketing and PR strategy?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our healthcare marketing and PR experts. We’ll take a look at your strategy to see where it could best benefit from an update.

Our Healthcare Marketing Trends 2024

  • PR – Creating Owned and Earned Media 
  • Recruitment Marketing on LinkedIn
  • Healthcare Podcast Appearances
  • Leveraging Social Media for Social Proof
  • Patient-centric Content
  • Creating Video Content
  • Using Automated Solutions
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Adoption of Telehealth Options

1. PR – Creating Owned and Earned Media

Owned and earned media are the cornerstone of public relations (PR). It combines your content (owned) with the praise of others (earned). It emphasizes creating and distributing compelling healthcare content to earn media coverage and enhance visibility.

Building trust and credibility is crucial in healthcare. That’s why earned and owned PR media are one of the top healthcare marketing trends in 2024. They help you establish authority, reach a broader audience, and maintain a positive reputation. They also helps disseminate accurate and valuable healthcare information across multiple channels.

Start by identifying key healthcare topics or issues your organization can provide expertise on. Create informative and engaging healthcare content. This can include articles, blog posts, and press releases. Then, reach out to healthcare journalists, bloggers, and influencers to promote your content.

Here are a few other reasons why PR is one of the key healthcare marketing trends:

  • Enhanced Credibility: Gaining coverage in earned media outlets establishes your healthcare organization as a trusted and credible source of information.
  • Increased Visibility: PR efforts can expand your reach beyond your own channels. You can reach a wider audience through media coverage and boost your organization’s visibility.
  • Effective Information Dissemination: Combining owned and earned media allows you to disseminate healthcare content to a broader audience.

Pro Tip: Foster relationships with healthcare journalists and authentic, trusted influencers. Building strong connections in the industry can increase the likelihood of your healthcare organization’s content being picked up and shared, increasing your visibility.

For more information on creating PR content, see our comprehensive guide: PR Writing – Crafting Convincing PR Content for Enhanced Results [+7 Examples]

2. Recruitment Marketing on LinkedIn

Many healthcare organizations are turning to LinkedIn to attract healthcare talent through recruitment marketing activities.

But why is it one of the top healthcare marketing trends? 

By engaging in recruitment marketing on LinkedIn, you improve your employer branding messaging, improve your job post targeting, and attract top talent to fill vacancies.

LinkedIn is a great platform for building up your employer branding image. That’s because LinkedIn allows you to post and share long-form thought leadership content with other industry brands and professionals. And in a rapidly evolving field like healthcare, professionals are always seeking trusted sources of information. 

Thought leadership content can take the form of sharing industry insights, showcasing expertise, and connecting with a network of professionals and patients. That ultimately boosts your reputation and influence. Especially when it comes to attracting top talent.

To tap into recruitment marketing, optimize your LinkedIn company page with a professional profile picture, banner image, and a compelling description. Share relevant healthcare insights, industry news, and educational content that resonates with healthcare job seekers.

Here’s what makes recruiting one of the leading B2B healthcare marketing trends:

  • Access to Top Talent: LinkedIn’s professional network provides access to a vast pool of healthcare professionals. This makes it easier to attract top talent.
  • Enhanced Employer Branding: Thoughtful recruitment marketing on LinkedIn helps build a positive employer brand. This makes your healthcare organization more appealing to potential candidates.
  • Cost-effective Recruitment: Compared to traditional recruiting methods, LinkedIn often offers a cost-effective way to find and engage with qualified healthcare professionals.

Pro Tip: Leverage employee advocacy. Recruit your current healthcare staff to max out their own LinkedIn profiles. Encourage them to share job postings and updates on their personal LinkedIn profiles. Their networks can help amplify your recruitment efforts.

Want to know what a thought leadership strategy should look like? Learn more here: Thought Leadership Strategy: 14 Steps to Balancing Authority and Authenticity [+ Examples]

3. Healthcare Podcast Appearances

About 82 million Americans listened to podcasts in 2021. And that number is projected to grow to over 100 million by 2024. 

Podcasts enable you to educate, engage, and connect with your audience through audio content. They allow for in-depth discussions, expert interviews, and the dissemination of valuable healthcare information. Best of all, listeners can dive into their favorite healthcare niches while on the go.

But what does that have to do with your marketing efforts? Most marketers do not have the time or resources for making a podcast. Yet podcasts remain one of the top healthcare marketing trends for 2024. Why?

Appearing as an expert or guest on niche healthcare podcasts is a great way to secure earned media and reach niche audiences that are relevant to your brand.

Start by identifying topics or themes that align with your organization’s expertise. Next, identify niche and popular podcasts that cover similar topics and have audiences that would find your expertise relevant and appealing. Pitch your ideas to these podcasts. 

Here are a few reasons why podcasts are one of the most important healthcare marketing trends:

  • Engagement and Education: Podcasts allow you to engage and educate new, niche audiences through informative and entertaining content.
  • Accessible Content: Podcasts provide a convenient way for patients and professionals to consume healthcare information while multitasking.
  • Thought Leadership: Appearing on healthcare-related podcasts can position your organization as a thought leader in the industry. This enhances your credibility and trust.

Pro Tip: Appearing on a podcast isn’t the end. You don’t want to rest on your laurels. Follow up podcast appearances with PR promotional campaigns. Share and redistribute the content across your owned channels. Consider repurposed content like blog posts, industry reports, or LinkedIn content. Podcasts can even be a great way to earn backlinks for SEO.

Not sure how to go about pitching a podcast? We’ve got you covered! Check out our dedicated guide: How to Pitch a Podcast in 2024 [+ Real Examples]

4. Leveraging Social Media for Social Proof

Social media platforms are valuable tools for healthcare organizations to connect with patients, medical professionals, and industry experts. 

It’s also a place where you can earn and respond to social proof that your brand is high-quality and trustworthy. Social proof can take the form of: 

  • Customer Reviews
  • Brand Mentions
  • Stars or Ratings
  • Social Likes, Shares, and Comments

Social proof is especially important for healthcare brands where patients are looking for the best solutions for their health issues. That’s why leveraging social proof is one of the most important healthcare marketing trends this year.

How do you leverage social proof for the best results?

Actively encourage and respond to reviews and feedback from patients or other medical professionals. That goes for both positive and negative reviews. Show your commitment to improving patient and personnel experiences and resolving concerns.

Remember that negative reviews are an opportunity to showcase your willingness to become better and to fix issues. Finding a resolution for a customer who leaves you a bad review is sometimes better social proof for your brand than simply receiving hundreds of good reviews. 

Here’s why social proof is one of the top healthcare marketing trends of 2024:

  • Trust and Credibility: Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility among potential patients and clients.
  • Influence on Decision-making: Social proof can influence healthcare decisions. People often rely on the experiences and recommendations of others when choosing healthcare providers or treatments.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Collecting and showcasing social proof helps maintain and improve your organization’s reputation.

Pro Tip: Try exploring the use of AI-driven chatbots for patient engagement and support on social media platforms or your website. Chatbots can resolve customer service bottlenecks and improve your response times by providing immediate responses to common patient or customer queries. Simply, choose a chatbot plugin that aligns with your healthcare organization’s needs. 

Want to see a full list of social media trends for 2024? Check it out here: 9 Top Social Media Marketing Trends Taking the World by Storm

5. Patient-centric Content

Patient-centric content addresses specific patient needs, concerns, and interests. It emphasizes empathy, education, and delivering value to patients through informative and supportive content.

Patient-centric content is one of the most crucial healthcare marketing trends, because it places the patient’s needs, concerns, and experiences at the forefront, fostering trust and engagement. 

You create content that addresses patients’ questions, educates them about conditions and treatments, and offers empathetic support.

To incorporate it into your strategy, identify patient personas. Then, tailor messaging to their unique needs. You can also leverage storytelling to humanize medical information while using digital channels for accessibility.

Here’s what makes patient-centric content one of the top, current healthcare marketing trends: 

  • Improved Patient Engagement: Patient-centric content resonates with individuals. It leads to higher engagement, better patient experiences, and increased trust in your organization.
  • Informed Decision Making: Informative and patient-focused content empowers patients to make informed healthcare decisions. This contributes to better health outcomes.
  • Enhanced Patient Loyalty: Providing content that addresses patient needs and concerns fosters loyalty. Plus, it encourages patients to return to your organization for their healthcare needs.

Pro Tip: To truly understand patient needs and preferences, regularly gather feedback through surveys. Creating feedback loops inside your content allows you to gather insights and input that you can use to tailor your content to address real, specific patient concerns.

Want a full list of general content marketing trends for 2024? Then you’ll want to check out our article: 7 Top Content Marketing Trends 2024 [+ Tips and Tricks]

6. Creating Video Content

Video marketing is highly engaging and effective in conveying complex medical information to patients and professionals. It’s important for healthcare organizations to leverage video content to educate, inform, and build trust with their audience.

That’s why creating video content is one of the top healthcare marketing trends for 2024.

Video content for healthcare campaigns can include patient testimonials, educational videos, live streams of medical procedures, and other video formats to engage and inform your audience effectively.

To create healthcare video content, invest in video production equipment or hire a professional. Plan a content calendar with a mix of educational, informative, and patient-focused video topics. You can promote your videos on your website, social media, and email campaigns.

Here’s why video content remains one of the leading healthcare marketing trends:

  • Better Communication: Video content can simplify complex medical topics. This improves communication between healthcare providers and patients.
  • Higher Engagement: Videos tend to capture and retain viewers’ attention better than text. This leads to increased engagement with healthcare information.
  • Trust and Transparency: Transparent video content includes patient testimonials and educational videos. This demonstrates your healthcare organization’s commitment to patient well-being.

Pro Tip: Given the prevalence of mobile device usage, ensure that your healthcare video content is mobile-friendly. It should load quickly on smartphones to reach a broader audience.

Most platforms prioritize mobile over other kinds of digital devices. Find out how to stay ahead of mobile marketing trends: 8 Mobile Marketing Trends to Upgrade Your Strategy in 2024

7. Using Automated Solutions

Automated solutions make healthcare marketing much easier. The robots do all the leg work while you focus on other tasks.  

A 2020 study found that 90% of large healthcare organizations were using automation and AI. This percentage is likely higher since these tools have gained widespread popularity. 

Automation and AI are top healthcare marketing trends because they streamline marketing processes, personalize communication, and provide data-driven insights. In healthcare, these technologies help in delivering personalized patient experiences, optimizing marketing spend, and improving patient outcomes.

Want to make automation part of your healthcare marketing strategy? 

Choose a marketing automation platform that suits your healthcare organization’s needs. Implement AI-driven tools for customer segmentation and personalization. You can also use chatbots or virtual assistants to enhance patient support and engagement.

Here are some reasons automation is one of the best healthcare marketing trends:

  • Efficiency and Scalability: Automation streamlines marketing processes, allowing healthcare organizations to manage campaigns efficiently and scale their efforts as needed.
  • Personalization: Automation and AI enable personalized patient experiences, leading to higher patient satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Data-driven Insights: Automated solutions provide valuable data insights. This helps you make informed decisions and optimize your healthcare marketing strategies.

Pro Tip: Regularly review the performance of your automated solutions and AI-driven processes. Adapt and optimize based on data insights to maximize their effectiveness.

Want to see all of the latest marketing automation trends? Learn more here: 10 Emerging Marketing Automation Trends for 2024

8. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing in healthcare involves partnering with influential individuals in the healthcare industry. That can include people such as doctors, nurses, or healthcare advocates, with the goal to promote products, services, or health-related causes. 

These influencers have the trust of their followers, making their endorsements valuable.

Influencer marketing leverages the trust and credibility of healthcare influencers to convey healthcare messages effectively. It’s one of the most important healthcare marketing trends because it extends reach, enhances credibility, and provides authentic endorsements in a field where trust is paramount.

Identify healthcare influencers with a genuine following and expertise relevant to your organization. Collaborate on content that educates, informs, or advocates for health-related topics. You can also promote influencer-generated content through your marketing channels.

Here’re some other reasons why influencer marketing is one of the leading healthcare marketing trends:

  • Extended Reach: Partnering with healthcare influencers extends your reach to a broader and more engaged audience.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Influencers bring trust and credibility to your healthcare message. Their followers often value their expertise and recommendations.
  • Authentic Endorsements: Influencer marketing provides authentic endorsements. This can be particularly influential in healthcare, where trust is paramount.

Pro Tip: To build relationships with influencers, reach out with a personalized message. Highlight why you appreciate their content and how collaboration can be mutually beneficial. Be genuine in your interactions. Offer value and establish trust over time through consistent engagement and support for their work.

Traditional influencer marketing is changing. Keep up on the latest trends: 9 Top Influencer Marketing Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

9. Adoption of Telehealth Options

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth has gained popularity. And it will likely continue to grow in the coming years.

Telehealth is the use of technology to provide remote healthcare services, consultations, and medical advice. This is one of our healthcare marketing trends that’s gained immense importance as it allows healthcare providers to connect with patients remotely, offering convenience and accessibility.

To get started, evaluate the telehealth regulations and requirements in your region. Select a telehealth platform or partner that aligns with your healthcare services. Also, train healthcare providers and staff on telehealth protocols and technology.

What makes telehealth one of the most important healthcare marketing trends? Here are a few other key reasons:

  • Accessibility and Convenience: Telehealth offers patients convenient access to healthcare services. This reduces the need for travel and wait times.
  • Improved Healthcare Access: Telehealth helps address healthcare access disparities. This ensures that patients in remote or underserved areas can receive care.
  • Continuity of Care: Telehealth enables ongoing healthcare monitoring and follow-up. This contributes to better health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Pro Tip: Focus on user-friendly interfaces. Ensure that your telehealth platform is intuitive and easy to navigate for both patients and healthcare providers.

Key Takeaways

Healthcare marketing is driven by advancements in technology, changing patient behaviors, and evolving regulations. Staying up to date requires a commitment to continuous learning. Yet, knowledge is not enough. These trends only work when they are integrated into holistic marketing campaigns. 

Adopting healthcare marketing trends is one of the most effective ways to adapt to the changing environment. Be prepared to pivot your marketing strategies and campaigns to align with emerging trends. For example, if telehealth gains prominence, ensure your organization is equipped to offer and promote these services effectively.

Regardless of the healthcare marketing trends you adopt, patient-centricity should remain at the core of your healthcare marketing efforts. Tailor your content, messaging, and services to address patient needs, concerns, and preferences. When incorporating trends like automation and telehealth, prioritize security and privacy measures to build and maintain patient trust.

Still not sure how to integrate these trends into a holistic marketing and PR strategy? Let us help! Simply book a free consultation and we will help you build a healthcare strategy that works