9 Gen Z Marketing Trends Shaping Modern Marketing in 2024 (+ Examples & Tips)

Intelligent Relations
By Intelligent Relations Team

Generation Z is the generation born between 1997 and 2012, following Millennials. 

This demographic is known for its proficiency with technology, diverse values, and its impact on cultural and economic trends. 

This generation requires brands to be more innovative than previous generations. Traditional marketing strategies often fall flat with this audience. 

Since Gen Z has a vast array of online content to choose from, their attention spans tend to be shorter. Capturing and maintaining their interest poses challenges for many marketers.

Plus, superficial marketing messages or those that feel inauthentic can be a major turn-off to Gen Zers. This generation prefers brands that are genuine. 

These challenges require an adaptive and smart marketing approach. If you’re relying on outdated, cookie-cutter strategies, you’ll have a difficult time reaching Gen Z. 

To help you better understand this demographic, we’ve put nine of the top Gen Z marketing trends in one place. Plus, you’ll find examples of what these trends look like and tips on how to use them.

Want to upgrade your marketing and PR mix toward a Gen Z audience?

Let us help. Book a free consultation with one of our PR and marketing experts. We will take a look at your current strategy to see where it could use an upgrade for Gen Z.

Gen Z Marketing Trends 2024

  • Public Relations
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Mobile-First
  • Social Media
  • User-Generated Content
  • Interaction and Engagement
  • Social Responsibility
  • Short-Form Video
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality

1. Public Relations Builds Your Authority with Gen Z

When it comes to the top Gen Z marketing trends, public relations (PR) might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, the right PR effectively resonates with Gen Z by emphasizing the transparency and authenticity of your brand. 

That’s because you can use PR campaigns can create a genuine connection with Gen Z through strategic storytelling and community engagement. When you leverage PR effectively, you can enhance your appeal and relevance to this audience.

How can you get started with PR as one of your Gen Z marketing trends?

Remember Gen Z is digitally savvy and spends a significant amount of time online. Use only digital platforms for storytelling. Ensure that your brand narrative is compelling and genuine.

Also, build connections with journalists and bloggers in media outlets that Gen Z frequently tunes into. Most Gen Zers get their news from social media, streaming services, and online-only news sites. So, avoid newspapers, podcasts, radio, and television.

To connect with journalists that most resonate with your brand’s storytelling, you can use tools like Intelligent Relations’ Preston platform that uses AI to match you:

gen z marketing trends public relations example

Pro Tip: Authenticity is key when communicating with Gen Z. Avoid overly promotional or inauthentic messaging. Be transparent about your products, services, and company values. Admitting mistakes and showing a willingness to improve can also build trust and credibility.

Think your PR strategy and plan could use an upgrade? Then you’ll want to check out the top trends for 2024. Learn more here: 18 Top PR Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

2. Influencer Marketing is a Trusted Source of Information for Gen Z Consumers

Influencer marketing resonates powerfully with Gen Z. They trust and relate to influencers more than traditional celebrities, which makes this strategy one of the top Gen Z marketing trends. 

For starters, it’s interesting to note that about 47% of Gen Zers follow and purchase items from influencers. Often, these influencers share the same values and interests as their followers. This makes their endorsements more authentic and impactful.

Plus, influencer marketing helps you leverage engagement and community, which is important when marketing to Gen Z.

How do you get started with influencer marketing as one of your Gen Z marketing trends?

Make sure you collaborate with influencers who resonate with Gen Z. These influencers should also reflect your brand values. Plus, they should have a genuine connection with their audience and a track record of engaging content.

Before seeking out influencers, do your research. Learn which types of influencers resonate the best with Gen Z. Some of the most popular ones for this generation include Kylie Jenner, Charli D’Amelio, and Emma Chamberlain, among many others.

Here is an example of Kylie Jenner’s profile on TikTok: 

gen z marketing trends influencer marketing example

Pro Tip: While it might be tempting to partner with influencers who have millions of followers, it’s often more effective to work with micro-influencers. These influencers often have a smaller, but highly engaged, audience.

Ready to get started on an influencer marketing strategy? Get more influencer tips by checking out our article: 9 Top Influencer Marketing Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024

3. Mobile-First is Where Gen Z Lives

Mobile-first is one of the top Gen Z marketing trends because this generation predominantly uses smartphones. In fact, Gen Z’s mobile usage has increased by 82% from 2022 to 2023.  

Gen Z values quick, easily accessible information and seamless user experiences. These are best delivered through mobile-optimized content. 

When adopting a mobile-first strategy, ensure your website and content are fully optimized for mobile devices. This includes fast loading times, responsive design, and easy navigation.

Kylie Jenner’s website is an example of a responsive website designed for mobile usage. Here is what it looks like: 

gen z marketing trends mobile friendly example

Pro Tip: Engage Gen Z with interactive mobile features. This can include polls, swipe-up options, and live video filters. These features can increase engagement and make the user experience more enjoyable and memorable.

Having a good mobile experience is just the tip of the iceberg. Really leverage mobile marketing with these 2024 trends: 8 Mobile Marketing Trends to Upgrade Your Strategy in 2024

4. Social Media – TikTok is the Top Choice for Gen Z

Social media remains one of the top Gen Z marketing trends because it’s used often by this generation. In fact, 41% of Gen Z consumers are expected to use more social networks than they did previously. 

How do you get started on social media as one of your Gen Z marketing trends?

Well, you probably already know that you can leverage these platforms to engage with Gen Z through relatable and creative content. Plus, you can tap into their preference for authentic and interactive experiences.

But what’s important for Gen Z is where they spend their time.

TikTok is the most popular social media platform for Gen Z. Research shows that they spend an average of 23.6 hours on TikTok per month. That’s followed by: 

  • YouTube – 23.2 Hours
  • Facebook – 19.4 Hours
  • WhatApp – 17.5 Hours
  • Instagram – 11.8 Hours

When using social media, stay current with TikTok trends and participate creatively. This helps in connecting with Gen Z who values trendiness and humor.

Try researching which hashtags are trending in your niche or industry. Use these hashtags to increase the visibility and reach of your posts. 

Hashtags are typically found on TikTok posts. Here is what they look like:

gen z marketing trends social media example

Pro Tip: Use Stories, Reels, and short-form TikTok videos to share behind-the-scenes content, limited-time offers, or sneak peeks. Gen Z appreciates the exclusive, ‘in-the-moment’ feel of features like Stories (Facebook) or Reels (Instagram) on many social media platforms.

Want to overhaul your social media strategy? Need more social media marketing ideas? Check out our article: 9 Top Social Media Marketing Trends Taking the World by Storm

5. User-Generated Content Doubles Down on Authenticity 

There’s a reason why user-generated content (UGC) is one of the leading Gen Z marketing trends. It resonates strongly with Gen Z because it offers authenticity and relatability. 

This type of content fosters a sense of community, as it comes from real users rather than corporate marketing. Additionally, UGC encourages engagement among peers. This makes it a highly effective tool for organic reach and influence within Gen Z networks.

When using UGC, encourage your audience to share their genuine experiences with your product or brand. You don’t need to aim for highly polished, professional-looking submissions. User submissions from smartphones are enough.

Consider offering incentives to users who participate in challenges and other UGC prompts. This could be in the form of contests, giveaways, or featuring their content on your official channels. Recognition can be a powerful motivator.

Here is an example of UGC from Apple’s design awards

gen z marketing trends user generated content example

Pro Tip: Don’t limit your UGC usage to just one platform. Showcase it across various channels. This can include your website, social media, and other marketing materials. This amplifies the content and shows your audience that you value and celebrate their contributions.

Think your overall content marketing strategy could use a boost? Then you’ll want to see what’s trending there too: 7 Top Content Marketing Trends 2024 [+ Tips and Tricks]

6. Interaction in Comments Sections is a Path to Community Building with Gen Z

Have you ever thought that simply interacting with comments sections could be one of the top Gen Z marketing trends? 

Gen Z often seeks authentic connections and a sense of community with brands through their comments sections. This engagement demonstrates your brand’s willingness to listen and respond to its audience. 

How does adopting this as one of your Gen Z marketing trends benefit you?

By actively participating in conversations, you can better understand Gen Z’s preferences and values. This leads to more effective and personalized marketing strategies.

Make sure you respond to comments in a timely and genuine manner. Personalized responses help boost brand loyalty. This is much better than generic or automated replies.

Also, use the comments section to express your brand’s voice and personality. Your voice can be witty, informative, or supportive. Consistently communicate in a way that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with Gen Z’s values.

For example, check out Nike’s response on X regarding a customer question: 

gen z marketing trends comment interaction example

Pro Tip: Keep an eye on what’s being said about your brand. Address negative comments professionally and constructively. Show that you value feedback and are willing to make improvements. Remember comments sections can be on your website as well as social media.

7. Social Responsibility is a Green Flag for Gen Z

Why is social responsibility one of the top Gen Z marketing trends? It aligns with Generation Z’s strong values and desire for ethical consumption. 

This demographic actively seeks brands that contribute positively to social and environmental issues. By prioritizing social responsibility, you can build a deep, trust-based connection with Gen Z consumers.

Choose social or environmental causes that align naturally with your brand’s values and mission. Gen Z is adept at detecting insincerity. Make sure your involvement in social causes feels authentic and not just for publicity.

Go beyond mere statements of support. Show tangible results and the real impact of your initiatives. This can be a percentage of profits going to a cause, a change in business practices for sustainability, or hands-on community projects.

Apple is one of the many brands that support global initiatives. For example, its team members have volunteered in several events, including one helping new affordable housing developments: 

gen z marketing trends social responsibility example

Pro Tip: Offer educational content about the issues you support. Gen Z is passionate about learning and making informed choices. By providing educational material, you help them understand the cause and how they can contribute.

8. Short-Form Video is One of the Top Content Mediums

Short-form video captures Gen Z’s attention with its concise, engaging format. And it caters to their preference for quick and digestible content. 

But why is short-form video one of the top Gen Z marketing trends for 2024? Consider that around 92% of Gen Zers in the U.S. watch content via streaming services.

And this format thrives on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, where Gen Z spends a significant amount of time. This makes short-form video an ideal medium to reach this audience. 

Plus, short-form video has an interactive and creative nature in comparison to other types of content. This aligns perfectly with Gen Z’s values of authenticity and innovation.

When making short-form videos, avoid overly polished videos. Instead, focus on creating content that feels real and personal. Use a conversational tone and showcase real-life scenarios. Also, don’t just pitch your brand. go for storytelling or educational content. 

Be sure to use visually appealing elements, quick edits, and a compelling narrative to keep the Gen Z audience engaged. Ensure that your message is clear and can be understood even without sound.

Here’s an example of great short-form video content from Amazon on TikTok:


Dang, @Noah Schnapp leave some popcorn for us 🍿We’ve got everything you need to get your dorm JUST right, for less.

♬ original sound – Amazon

Pro Tip: Always end your video with a clear call to action. This can include encouraging viewers to visit your website, follow your social media, or just like and share your video. Make sure it’s clear what you want them to do next.

Think your video content could use a boost? For more ideas and tips on video marketing, see our article: Top 10 Video Marketing Trends for 2024 [+ Tips]

9. Augmented and Virtual Reality Prefered as Shopping Experiences by Gen Z

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) are among the top Gen Z marketing trends due to their immersive and interactive nature. Plus, about 92% of Gen Zers prefer to use AR for shopping purposes.

These technologies provide unique, personalized experiences. They play an important role in captivating this tech-savvy generation that values innovation and creativity. 

Additionally, AR and VR enable your brand to create cutting-edge marketing campaigns that stand out. This helps you better connect with Gen Z consumers who are eager for new and dynamic ways of interacting with their favorite brands.

Utilize AR and VR to create engaging and interactive experiences. They should allow Gen Z users to explore and interact with your brand in a virtual space. This can range from virtual try-ons to interactive games or tours.

Design your AR/VR experiences with social sharing in mind. Encourage users to share their experiences on Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, and other popular platforms.

Here is an example of how this technology works from Sunglass Hut

gen z marketing trends augmented reality example

Pro Tip: Ensure your AR and VR content offers real value to Gen Z consumers. This could be through educational content, practical product demonstrations, or unique experiences that they can’t get elsewhere.

As tech savvy as Gen Z is, it might be time to add more tech to your mix. Find out here: 8 Marketing Technology Trends That Can Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts

Key Takeaways on the Latest Gen Z Marketing Trends

Now that you’ve got a glimpse of the latest Gen Z marketing trends, it’s time to put them to use. But don’t stop with a quick refresh. Ensure that you’re always learning about changing technologies and consumer preferences. 

Unlike many other generations, Gen Z prefers personalized and authentic marketing. They resonate better with brand responses in comments sections or short-form video than advertisements. 

A one-size-fits-all approach to Gen Z marketing won’t get you far with this type of audience. What works with other demographics may not work with another. So, be sure to vary your marketing strategies and use them where they best fit.

 Need help getting started on PR or marketing campaigns geared towards Gen Z? Let us help. Simply book a free consultation and we’ll help you get started on a successful campaign